Dr. Mary Ann Block is an international expert on children’s health and learning and on the treatment of attention and behavior problems and Autism without psychiatric drugs. Dr. Block is the author of the top-selling books, No More ADHD, No More Ritalin and No More Antibiotics and Today I Will Not Die, the story of how she helped her mother survive terminal lung cancer in 1991. Her newest book, Just Because You’re Depressed Doesn’t Mean You Have Depression, was just released.
Dr. Block is founder and Medical Director of The Block Center in the Dallas area, an international clinic for adults and children with chronic health problems. A tireless advocate for children, Dr. Block has traveled the country speaking to parent and professional groups and at legislative hearings on Autism and ADHD and on the dangers of the psychiatric drugging of our children.
Dr. Block chairs the Health and Empowerment Committee for the National Foundation for Women Legislators and has served as a peer reviewer for the Agency for Health-Care Policy and Research and the American Academy of Pediatrics for the diagnosis and treatment of ear problems. She holds a clinical faculty appointment and served on the faculty as assistant professor at the University of North Texas Health Science Center/Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine in Fort Worth, Texas. She serves on the boards of both the American Academy of Environmental Medicine and the Pan American Allergy Society. Dr. Block was the recipient of the Wayne O. Stockseth Award for Osteopathic Excellence and has served on the Board of Governors of the American Academy of Osteopathy.
Dr. Block has been featured on the CBS news show, 48 Hours, MSNBC's Scarborough Country, and The Montel Williams Show, and interviewed on CNN News, NBC`s Home Page, Fox Network News, The Today Show in New York, The Joni Show on Daystar, Your Health with Dr. Becker and is a medical contributor on Trinity Broadcast Network as well as such magazines as Newsweek, Better Homes and Gardens and radio and newspapers across the country.
Dr. Block received the Citizen’s Commission for Human Rights International Human Rights Award, the Ladies' Home Journal One Smart Lady Award and was selected for Who's Who in Healthcare by The Tarrant County Business Press and for Most Influential Women in Tarrant County. For More Information on Dr. Block visit www.blockcenter.com.
Breaking Free From ADHD -A Powerful Comprehensive Home Program
10-Step to do right now to help your child immediately and long term.
This program is based on the same approach, tools and information used by Dr. Block at The Block Center.
Dr. Mary Ann Block The Mother Who Went to Medical School To Save Her Child. "I've walked in your shoes. I know what it's like to search for answers to restore the health of someone you love."
She dedicated her first book, No More Ritalin to her parents and wrote this:
"My parents taught me that you do whatever is necessary for your children."
Dr. Block is known as the mother who went to medical schol to save her child after doctors made the child ill with prescription drugs. Today her daughter is a healthy adult as a result of her mother's determination and devotion. Dr. Block was honored by the Ladies Home Journal and in a documentary on The Lifetime Channel for helping her daughter in such an inspirational way. Today she offers families the same kind of healthcare she so desperately needed when her daughter was ill.
Dr. Block's Approach
Find The Cause -- Fix The Problem
Dr. Block looks for and treats the underlying cause of the medical problem rather than just covering symptoms with prescription drugs.
Dr. Block's Philosophy
Dr. Block's approach is based on the century old medical philosophy: "The body has the ability to heal itself if we give it what it needs and we take away what it doesn't need."
For more information on Dr. Block go to http://www.BlockCenter.com or for a free chapter of Top Selling book, No More ADHD, go to http://www.NoMoreADHD.com