As an artist and art promoter I am keenly aware of the connection between self-esteem and ones surroundings. My clients and I are keenly aware of how beautiful artwork enhances ones sense of well-being and brings joy into peoples lives. The esthetics of fine art has the capacity to be emotionally soothing as well as to foster an increased sense of well-being and enhance personal and spiritual development. As an expert in this area I will endeavor to share the connection between esthetics and enhanced self esteem with you.
How Art Heals: Mind- Body Physiology
How does art heal? Scientific studies tell us that art heals by changing a person's physiology and attitude. The body's physiology changes from one of stress to one of deep relaxation, from one of fear to one of creativity and inspiration. Art and music put a person in a different brain wave pattern, art and music affect a person's autonomic nervous system, their hormonal balance and their brain neurotransmitters.
Art and music affect every cell in the body instantly to create a healing physiology that changes the immune system and blood flow to all the organs. Art and Music also immediately change a person's perceptions of their world. They change attitude, emotional state, and pain perception. They create hope and positivity and they help people cope with difficulties. They transform a person's outlook and way of being in the world.
In fact it is now known by neurophysiologists that art, prayer, and healing all come from the same source in the body, they all are associated with similar brain wave patterns, mind body changes and they all are deeply connected in feeling and meaning. Art, prayer, and healing all take us into our inner world, the world of imagery and emotion, of visions and feelings. This journey inward into what used to be called the spirit or soul and is now called the mind, is deeply healing. For healing comes to us from within, our own healing resources are freed to allow our immune system to operate optimally and that is always how we heal. This is the contemporary version of freeing our healing energies and is now recognized to be crucial to healing. We go inward on The Creative Spiral together through art and music.
Art Healing: An Exciting New Movement
There is an exciting new movement being born today in healing and art. Art and healing are joining and becoming one.
The healer is discovering that art, music, dance and poetry have profound healing effects. Doctors, nurses, and therapists are now working with artists and musicians to heal people of all ages with many conditions including cancer and AIDS. Healers have found that art and music, combined with traditional medicine are powerful healing tools. At the same time, artists and musicians have found that art and music heals themselves and others around them. The artists and musicians who have healed themselves of illness are changing the art and music they perform to become healing art.
Throughout the ages man has found pleasure and comfort in the visual arts. Paintings have represented mans innermost wishes and desires as well as his highest innermost aspirations. From early Neolithic times through today man has found pleasure in artistic creation. It has provided comfort in times of stress and has stimulated his aspirations and behavior in relation to personal and social evolution. Surrounding oneself with fine art helps people feel good and be healthy. Paintings reflect not only a scene but are manifestations of the artist and his/or her higher power. Like fine music fine art can and will heal. It is with this in mind that I suggest that you try healing through art by acquiring an art collection that represents what inspires you.
I am pleased to be associated with an artist by the name of Rae Ann. Her work has a quality about it that represents a truly unique capacity. As a latent artist having only found her unique gift as an oil painter a short while ago, her work exemplifies a brilliance and clarity that is rare in even the most accomplished artists. Her unique genius is a true gift that has the capacity to inspire and heal. You can view her work and/or start collecting her paintings at the ‘Paintings By Rae Ann’ Online Gallery.