Marilyn Ellis, CTACC helps people get organized and move forward in all aspects of their lives. She is a third generation San Franciscan. She graduated from San Francisco State University with additional studies at London University,Cornell University Extension, postgraduate studes at SF State, Certified Life Coach, Coach Training Alliance, Boulder, CO.
Her company name, Lighthouse Organizers, LLC reflects her true desire "to help people navigate through their busy and challenging lives" She founded Harbor Light Coaching to make full use of her spiritual gifts of admininstration and encouragement. If you are stuck on the rocks, lost in the fog or surrounded by sharks, Marilyn will shine her harbor light on you and bring you safely home.
She is a member of NAPO, National Association of Professional Organizers, MDBW, Mount Diablo Business Women, ICF International Coach Federation and is past president of BNI, Contra Costa Business Builders chapter in Walnut Creek, CA. and current president of ICF International Coach Federation SF East Bay Chapter.
She is the proud mother of 2, Bryan, 28 and Carilyn 25 and lives with her husband of 36 years, Neil, border collie, bare eyed cockatoo and 5 lovebirds.
Motivational Speaking, Seminars and Workshops
Available in Power Point
Leave Room for the Cream: Finding Balance in the 21st Century
We are all Time Jugglers. How do we find time for all the things we want to do as well as the things we must do? Time Management for the New Millenium
How To Think Like An Entrepreneur: So You Can Grow Your Business
What they don't teach you in Business School. Bypass years of costly mistakes.
Positive Thinking= Positive Life: The Law of Attraction - It's not what you "Think!" This isn't supersition. This is quantum physics made easy.
Practical Feng Shui: Creating Peace and Prosperity. If its good enough for the City of San Francisco as well as Corporate America....From Myth to Cutting Edge Technology and how you can use it too!
Give Me The Simple Life: What do you want your life to look like?
Downsizing, de cluttering, simplifying made easy.
How to Fight The Clutter Monsters and Win: New ways think about our stuff, our paper and our time and what we can do about it.
Who Gets Grandma's Yellow Pie Plate?(TM) A 3 hour workshop created by the University of Minnesota. How to distribute non titled property and avoid family conflict.
I believe that everyone has the power to create the life they desire.
"Whatever ou can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldenss has genius and power and magic in it." Goethe
"Change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved in his own life." Herbert Otto
"Knowing others is wisdom. Knowing yourself is enlightenment." Lau-tsu
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Congratulations on taking this important step and investing in yourself. I am delighted that you are considering me as your Coach.
As your Coach I will
As my Client, I ask you to:
Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Group Coaching available in person or by telephone.
CONTACT ME AT 1-866-379-6440 OR
Kindest Regards,
Marilyn Ellis
Marilyn Ellis, CTACC
Lighthouse Organizers, LLC
Harbor Light Coaching