Often addictions and recovery pertain to the physical act of drinking in excess or fleeing from reality of our situation with either drugs or some other altered state of being. Underlying the push to poison ones self is merely a symptom of a crux or core issue. The title says Treaties of the Soul Wound, this suggests that it takes more than you, it takes other entities or another party to negotiate a treaty with, lets work on those kinship ties, the ones that bind us to our pain and suffering.
When times get tough, you must suffer and fear the pain, but it is the pain that wipes the windshield to your soul and clears the haze from your eyes, so that you can see the realities in your life.
At times when you cannot see, listen in silence and hear your littlevoice and trust what it says. When you have had enough trials the voice within you will be recognized by you and you will start a new journey inward and your life will be filled with value and belonging to world. This is the voice I so long ago ignored...and my own trials began...I simply wanted to prove myself wrong about the people who told me that they knew what was best for me. I embrace today that my voice inside was always warning me from danger or potiential harm, it is my wish to share with others and continue to do so by offering my ears, my heart and wisdom to know that you can be your own difference.