Mari Peck is owner of Performance Matters, Inc. ( – an Organizational Training and Performance consulting business. She conducts seminars on a variety of topics including leadership, communication, and goal setting. She holds a Master’s Degree in Organizational Development/Human Resources Development. Prior to owning her business, Mari has worked in Director level corporate training positions for Fortune 500 companies. Mari published her first book “Just for Today” in 2006 ( Being a self-professed work-a-holic, she understands the struggles of career women. She pursued both her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees while working full time and raising children. Her first book is the result of the revelation that increased activity does not equal increased life satisfaction. The book was written to help women to slow down and truly experience what life is offering instead of racing frantically from activity to activity. Mari is a member of the National Speaker’s Association, American Society of Training & Development (ASTD), American Business Women’s Association (ABWA), Toastmaster’s, and the Wichita Area Chamber of Commerce. She is the mother of two teenagers and resides in Wichita, KS.
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