Who’s Dr. Marco Paret?
Dr. Marco Paret is the founder and Director of the ISI-CNV International Institute for NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming), Hypnosis, NCV (Non Verbal Communication), Leadership and Coaching and Mesmerismus in NICE (France) and operating in Europe. He is also a NLP Master Trainer.
He has an in depth knowledge of hypnotic techniques and authored many books in english, italian and spanish.
Dr. Paret and the ancient secret teachings of "Mesmerismus"
Dr. Paret applies with incredible success this ancient methodology into which he was personally initiated.
He teches it using the name "mesmerismus" as the name "mesmerism" is to often used as just a synonim for "hypnosis"
Mesmerism is completely different from modern hypnosis. Mesmerism is the Western school corresponding to the use of Prana or Ki (Chi) in Orient.
Parts of the teachings of this school were never completely disclosed in print.
Dr. Paret, who is a genuine practitioner, wrote a serie of notes which allow a better understanding of practical applications of these techniques and their actualness. Many of the powerful results of Mesmerism are scarcely reachable if only pursued through verbal hypnosis.
Dr. Paret and NLP3
Marco Paret is also the ideological father of NLP-3, a new paradigm of advanced Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Dr. Marco Paret graduated at Turin’s University, in Italy. Fascinated by the psychological underlying dynamics that rule corporate business, human relations, and society in general, he has undertaken specialization in the new frontiers of applied psychology by training with the leading experts in the field.
When Marco Paret finally discovered NLP, hypnosis and not verbal communication, he immediately realized the potentials that the combination of these three disciplines offered, and since then he never ceased investigating them and bringing his personal contributions in the field.
This constityuted the first core of NLP 3.
Dr. Paret has also studied in depth linguistics, as a fact his passion for this field led him to speak fluently various languages as well as achieving a good grasp of many others. Dr.Paret comfortably speaks English, French, German, and — less fluently — Spanish, Russian, polish and Czech. Marco Paret also studied the grammar and the linguistic structure of many other languages, among them: classical Arabic, Dutch, classical and Vulgar Latin, Greek, ancient French, Sanskrit and other languages and dialects less known, or even dead.
This skill in penetrating languages of Dr.Marco Paret contributed to render him a fine knower of the subtle relation that exists between language, grammatical and syntactic structure and thought — essential for the development of new NLP patterns and paradigms.
Dr. Marco Paret has in fact developed a whole set of new patterns that interweave hypnotic communication techniques with NLP. Also, he has conduced an in-depth study of the Enneagram and its applications in a modern perspective.
Inspired by hidden-traditions, he has also created various interesting modelling, the most significant of them being the Eneagramm sensory-based model (Instant Enneagram) and the techniques pertaining states-of-consciousness.
NLP 3 is a further development of NLP toward quantum thinking.
NLP 3 is based on many experiments and also on integration of not verbal technology and powerful Enneagram concepts. Each technique has been practiced and tested hundreds of times with success. It is a very efficient way of thinking and operating, going well beyond the paths of mainstream NLP. This is as a new discipline based on recent research.
Other interventions
Along the years, Dr. Paret has held many conferences in the USA as well as other countries, thus meeting most of the leading American hypnotists. He has been often invited to Italian television shows as an expert in hypnosis and NLP.