Linda graduated with a BA in Psychology and Sociology as a mature student. She initially found her avocation through the development of Life Coaching. Linda is now committed to helping people find the deepest truth within them and then helping them overcome the blocks to the realization of their potential.
Having added training in NLP and later, the impressive Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to her skills she knew she'd found what she'd been looking for for decades - effective methods for deep and lasting change.
In addition to these methods, Linda has been studying and practicing metaphysics for 20 years, using the extensive resources provided by Lazaris and more recently Abraham-Hicks.
She combines all of her knowledge and skill to help people to live more true to themselves and to become conscious, intentional creators of their life, aware of the Law of Attraction
Naturally, while Linda follows these approaches herself, she keeps in mind that she too, is still a work in progress!
I've always had a strong interest in metaphysics and the evolving understanding of consciousness and the human condition that new discoveries in quantum biology and quantum physics are now providing.
The movie The Secret encapsulates the philosophy that I'd come to adopt after many years and underpins my approach - we are creators and most of us don't really know it!
Everything that hasn't occurred naturally has been created by humanity. Each creation begins with a thought and is followed by a series of actions which materialise in an outcome.
Learning to do that consciously and intentionally in all areas of our lives is our challenge.
Part of being able to do that is to be free of our negative self-talk (often beneath our awareness) that undermines our intentions and produces outcomes that are often far less than we desire and want to experience.
Sometimes they are even the very opposite of what we say we want.
My search has been to discover effective methods to produce beneficial real and lasting personal change. The methods I now use - EFT (The Emotional Freedom Techniques) and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) - do just that.
With that combination, 'whole-body' shifts occur, producing change at the deepest, most holistic level - real change.
My goal is to help people become free of their conditioned, self-defeating thoughts, habits and patterns so that they can discover that the real them is not only acceptable, but maybe even amazing, and then to guide them to learn to live from their innermost truth.
As they begin to do that consciously and intentionally, they start to create an authentic and fulfilling life.
I believe that when we really DO understand that we can each create what we most sincerely desire and that no-one but ourselves is keeping us from it then we can have a genuinely peaceful world.
"Your conclusion that there isn't enough of something—whether it is enough land, or money, or clarity—stems from you learning, without meaning to, a vibration that holds you apart from what you want. There is no limitation. If you identify a desire for it, Source recognizes your desire, and immediately begins to deliver it to you. And it will manifest in the variety, in the fullness, and in the way that you, and only you, learn to allow it." (Abraham-Hicks)
I am available for consultations at Burwood East, Vic, Australia by appointment. I also offer phone sessions and run workshops by arrangement.
I am available for speaking engagements in the contexts of
* personal growth,
* self-awareness
* stress and EFT
* Introduction to the Enneagram, and
* conscious creation
Please check out my website for more information.
Phone: +61 3 413.313.440 (Melbourne, Australia)