Michael's Dream - End Hatred-Change the World .......Comingsoon to Amazon.com
Were each person on this beautiful, wonderful planet to read these words, take them to heart and do their part, so much light would be brought onto the planet that humanity would actually evolve and life as we know it would drastically change for the better.
There are many who give lip service to wanting world peace, to wanting to stop the violence and the hatred that exists in the world and yet there are only a few who are truly willing to acknowledge the real problem. That’s because the real problem is not something anyone wants to talk about because the real problem is not politically correct. This book is looking for the those few brave souls, those warriors, who are ready to stand up and make a real difference. Are you one of them?
About the Author
Lily of the Field, began this journey many years ago as the neglected child of alcoholic parents. She remembers well the poverty and hunger and stealing candy bars from the local convenience store in order to survive. But having grown up in the 60's Lily also knew a different kind of hunger. A hunger for peace and love. A hunger to change the world. It took many years of learning and healing before she felt she was ready to take on the challenge.
After decades of heartache and struggle, she embarked on a path of spiritual awakening that has been profound to say the least. Through years of study and hours of deep daily transcendental meditation she has found peace and so much more. She has taken on her mission. This book is part of that mission– a mission to teach the world love, teach them tolerance and let them know that.... You CAN make a difference.
Lily is the mother of seven beautiful, amazing, warrior children, the grandmother of ten, and lives happily with her husband in the suburbs of Atlanta.
You may contact Lily at
“The Wright brothers did not contemplate the thesis of staying on the ground, Bell did not contemplate the thesis of non-communication, Edison did not contemplate the thesis of darkness.”
"Forget what you've been taught and find your own truth. The real truth is that you have limitless power to do anything you want. Anything. Learning the truth will suprise you for nothing is as you've been taught."
"I find that the only thing that gets in the way of my learning is my education."
Albert Einstein
You can email Lily directly at bemichaelsdream@gmail.com or you can visit www.michaelsdream.webs.com.
Michael's Dream End Hatred-Change the World is available at Amazon.com and also on Amazon's Kindle.