Lesley Bohm
is an accomplished professional photographer and artist who graduated
from art school in Vancouver, Canada.
She is very passionate about her photography. Her warm, inviting personality
and abundant energy allow her to connect with her subjects to capture moments
that translate into artistic and timeless images.
Lesley has 20 years of experience in Los Angeles working in environmental portraiture,
studio portraiture, and editorial photography. A number of her clients include
high-profile names in the entertainment and music industry. Her work is widely
published nationally and internationally in magazines, books, calendars, and
advertising layouts.
Lesley currently resides in the Los Angeles area.
My website is www.bohmphotography.com
I take photos of entrepreneurs, business owners, authors, people of note.
I use my ability to draw out the real personality and authentic self while putting people at ease. I see who you really are and bring out the real you. I have transformational photo sessions where I enable you to see who you are and allow you to step into that place.