Well pasting from word seems not to be an option today. I'll start by introducing myself! I'm Leonard W. Bowers Jr. (AKA) Leo Bowers. I am a DIY recording artist/engineer/producer etc...but certainly not a jack of all trades only the ones that have to do with completing a musical project from conception to distribution. What I've learned to date has been mostly the results of trial and error. Music lovers and those who like well composed male vocal RnB, light rock, americana and soul would more likely than not appreciate my form of communication and story telling within the arrangements.
I've played with some groups of moderate notoriety in the past, but truthfully showing out is not something I really aspire to. At this phase of life it would be more like toil and stress I think they call it "work"! Creating and going through all the red tape to get projects rolling is a job in itself and it's the one I like the most although I do occaisionally entertain musicians who want to sit around and dabble a bit from time to time just to stay in shape in case I ever do have to perform live.
Just bare in mind and remember this as gospel truth, "I don't want to"! I like what I do. If I sound like a dick it's probably because I am in my arena especially at my age! I've gotten older and comfortable just making music and putting it out there and truthfully that's where I spend most of my time - ask my wife! Thank God for her understanding when she has it! I do exhibit a degree of humility I simply know when I must! What a life! Enjoy!
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot stregnthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn. You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.
Abraham Lincoln
I would imagine the best way to learn about me, what I do and what I have to offer is to type "Leo Bowers" into your Google browser and check out all the music sites I'm tied into. Some are maintained better than others but then that's only because there's so many and I'm only one man! I would recommend ReverbNation Whotune and of course my personal site The Music of Leo Bowers . From my site you can get all the links and choose pages that my fit your area of interest.
For starters write to themusicofleobowers@gmail.com to schedule phone conferences or for general inquiries. Thank you.