High fuel prices. High food prices. Layoffs. Foreclosures. A war we can't seem to win or get out of. Can you pay your bills and stay afloat? Life has always been tough, but lately that tough climb has gotten even steeper.
Why is this so? Because we as citizens and voters have allowed polarized politics to strangle our government. If you want to fix these problems, then you need government to function again. If you want government to function again, then you need to stop polarized politics.
I am a voter advocate and educator seeking the neutralization of polarized politics. Politics by its very nature will always be adversarial, but we as a people in this nation have forgotten (if we ever agreed on them in the first place) the basic purpose, rules and definitions of our political process. As a result, polarized politics has taken over and become a threat to our individual, business and collective prosperity and security.
My experience is that people in this country are very unhappy and concerned with how things are, but don't know how to begin to get the change they want or even know what that change is. Moreover, they don't know how to talk to other people about these problems because of the phenomenon of the Abilene Paradox. My book, Neither Liberal Nor Conservative Be: An Action Plan for People Disgusted by Polarized Politics, Blog and Weekly Ezine will give you the tools you need to clarify your thinking and get us all talking about solutions, not slander.
No matter where you see yourself on the political spectrum or what label you use to describe yourself politically, the time has come to admit that what we are doing politically is not working.
The way we are doing our politics in America is a threat to our individual, business and collective prosperity and security.
As a nation, we are $9 Trillion in debt. Were that debt divided equally among every man, woman and child in America, we would all owe $30,000 each. When you have a system yielding results like these, then its time to change that system.
Let me show you how.
Visit my Blog at www.TheCenterStrikesBack.com and my web site at www.KindredMindsEnt.com. There you will find commentary supporting the political philosophy described in my book. Sign up for my weekly Ezine at the web site.
Stephen Covey wrote Seven Habits of Highly Effective People to give people new insights into their personal lives to make them more efficient and effective.
I wrote Neither Liberal Nor Conservative Be: An Action Plan for People Disgusted by Polarized Politics to give people new insights into their political philosophy to make their lives as citizens and voters more efficient and effective.
You can no longer afford to not be involved in politics. Everything you are working so hard for is being put at risk by the fools in charge of our government. The good news is that if enough people become involved and make some simple changes to our knowledge and our procedures, then we can turn things around. But you must start now.
Requests for personal appearances or interviews (including radio, television, and talks to groups) should be addressed as shown below.
Lisa Pelto via email at Lisa@ConciergeMarketing.com or phone at 402.884.5995.
Larry Bradley via email at author@KindredMindsEnt.com.