Kip Mazuy is the founder of Bliss Music & Creator of Ocean Euphoric, an audio program repeatedly proven to put the listener into a deep states of peace & bliss for meditation & relaxation.
He is also known around the world for his simple teachings on meditation that has helped thousands of people deepen their experience of peace.
For More Information Check Out the Meditation Music website.
Bliss Music is all about awakening in you your true nature of unconditional peace, love and bliss. Just by experiencing such peace, everything in your life begins to improve. You become happy for no reason, more loving to others around you & more successful.
One of the easiest ways to experience this is through meditation.
And there are two things you need to be succesful in your meditation:
The first is simple teachings that point you in the right direction. And you can read all of the teachings you need for free by visiting my What is Self Realization webpage.
The second thing you need is what I would call enlightened energetic. Some religions would call it "Grace," "Shaktipat" "Spiritual Energy," etc.
What is enlightened energetic?
If you were lucky enough to sit with a meditation teacher who has attained an enlightened state of awareness, you would find that just by sitting with them, their blissful presence naturally rubs off on you, making it easy for you to experience deep states of blissful meditation.
The problem is, this entire humanity as a whole does not vibrate at a level of peace. In fact, it vibrates as a whole in a high level of stress.
So if you try and meditate on your own without enlightened energetic, the total vibration of everything around you will keep forcing you back into a level of stress and identification with your mind.
You need the enlightened energetic to completely transform your own body, mind and environment so that you can get to your natural state of peace. Then meditation is easy. It is no longer a struggle.
I have found a way to give you this "enlightened presence" in a neat, western method, and that is on audio CD.
So whether you are seeking enlightenment, to deepen your meditation or you just want some more happiness, peace or relaxation in your life, I not only provide you with the means, I guarantee the CDs will deepen your experience of peace.
Visit the Mindfullness Meditation website to begin. It could be a major turning point in your life.