Hemant Sirohi is truly dedicated crusader of child safety mission. He aims at providing best parenting tips that especially deal with child safety in today's tech savvy era with gadgets and gizmos more common than fastfood corners. Kids of the day are addicted to technology which can sometimes be really dangerous with cyber crimes, bullying, and sexual predators looking for innocent kids to target.
“Adults constantly raise the bar on smart children, precisely because they're able to handle it. The children get overwhelmed by the tasks in front of them and gradually lose the sort of openness and sense of accomplishment they innately have. When they're treated like that, children start to crawl inside a shell and keep everything inside. It takes a lot of time and effort to get them to open up again. Kids' hearts are malleable, but once they gel it's hard to get them back the way they were.”
- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore
You provide your child with the latest and greatest of the present day technologies, the coolest of the mobile phones, the best of the smart phone, tablets, gaming consoles, laptops, and so on, but do you educate yourslef about how to make these devices safe for your child, how to help these very things in empowering your child against, crime, abuse, and hundreds of other dangers around them? This is just what you got to do, help your child being safe, if you invest buying cell phones, invest buying parental control as well, invest monitoring your child's gadgetry activities as well, only then you'll prove one of the best modern parent.