Over 20 years experience in small business management with a strong focus on business start-ups, administration and staffing.
Has been involved in the construction industry and trades sector as well as managing a non profit organization.
areas are how to start a business, what type of business should you
start and where do you go from there to get it up and running.
in developing policies and procedures for new businesses to help them
simplify their systems and reduce time spent on paperwork.
Believes strongly that happiness is the key to success not that success is the key to happiness. Focus is on helping people to find a way to follow their passions (via their own business) and be true to themselves. For it is when we are true to ourselves that we are genuinely happy.
'We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life. All that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about'
The biggest mistake people make in life is NOT making a living at doing what they most enjoy.
Malcolm S. Forbes (1919-1990)
'Formal education will earn you a living. Self education will earn you a fortune'
If you are looking for information on how to start a business please visit
If you are interested in how I followed my dream by pursuing my passions you can read about it here http://www.you-can-start-business.com/about-me.html
I can be contaced via the contact form at http://www.you-can-start-business.com/contact-me.html
I am happy to help new business owners or those considering self employment in any way that I can. So please don't be shy, if you have a question or feedback for my site I would love to hear from you.