This may be one of the shortest bio's you'll read on this site as my lifes past experiences have little to do with the passion I've chosen to dedicate the rest of my life to.
My working experience includes managing fast food restaurants, driving a truck on a construction site, selling real estate and life insurance, welding, selling hardware and hardware franchises, and most recently (and still), as a detailer for a major fastener supplier to Home Depot Stores.
For what seems like forever though, I've had a passion for helping others in any way I could. Until recently this help was likely welcomed, but rather limited. This is no longer the case!
In late 2004 a friend (also into self development and health related learning) contacted me to tell me about something called EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) which, to her, seemed quite interesting. I logged onto the URL she gave me at about 8pm that night, and at 4am logged off and went to bed . . . . but not until after ordering the first 2 of 9 sets of DVDs available on the subject.
I've now achieved certificates of completion for both the fundamental and advanced courses in EFT (through Pat Carrington's courses), and another for Natural Health Consultant from The Stratford Career Institute. More importantly, I've enjoyed dozens of 'sometimes startlingly rapid' cases of pain relief - both emotional and physical - from people with conditions often declared 'hopeless' by their physicians.
So, though neither a doctor, psychiatrist, nurse, nor registered therapist of any ilk, I've found my niche, and plan to spread word of this amazing healing modality to as many as I can reach.
My successes include (among others);
I consider myself new at this, having conducted only 6 seminars to date (May 2009), but am planning many more, plus an increase in my one on one sessions - primarily over the phone.
To learn more about what I'm up to, go to my site at, and to learn what got me 'hooked on this classic', go to
My favorite quote; "I am here but to serve"
May you soar,
Some of my favorite quotes include;
"We are here but to serve." ?
"When the power of love overtakes the love of power, the earth will know peace." Jimi Hendrix
"There is no try . . . there is only do - or do not" Yoda
"Here’s a test to determine whether or not your mission here on earth is finished:
If you’re alive . . . . it isn’t." Richard Bach
My website would be the best way to learn something about what I do and why I do it. I'm in the midst of a long journey of learning and applying an energy therapy called EFT.
My ultimate goal is to teach people (primarily via seminar and workshop format) about the incredible ability they have to heal themselves.
I conduct in office and over the phone energy therapy sessions. The purpose of these sessions is to first, remove existing pain, and second, teach clients how to continue improving thier lives through daily practice of a simple, yet powerful * 5 minute * routine. I invite you to peruse my site then go to and download (with or without printing it out) EFT founder Gary Craigs' free manual.
Neither of these sources will make you an expert at this practice, but both will provide you a path to becoming one if you so desire.
Thanks, and May You Soar,
To reach me for questions about EFT, or for a free 15 minute phone session to determine if I might be the right person to help you with your concern(s), you can either call or email me at the following;