My name is John Boesky, and I am a licenced Marriage and Family therapist. For more information about me and my services, you are very welcome to visit my website, I earned my Master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy at the University of San Diego in 2000. I have been in private practice for 5 years. I currently work with individuals, couples, families, athletes, and adolescents. I also co-faciliate a men's and women's group with my colleague, Dr. Richard Jordan. I use an integrative therapeutic approach with my clients, drawing from cognitive-bahavioral, experiential, psychodynamic, Object-Relations, and Gestalt therapy treatment modalities. I also am well versed in EMDR, and I use this neuro-physiological technique to assist clients in overcoming traumatic life experiences. Finally, I use visualization techniques to help clients overcome psychic obstacles standing in their way, and I use psycho-drama to help the men and women in my groups tap into their personal strength and move through any frozen energy that may be keeping them from feeling fully awake and truly alive.
Phone Number: 6192808099
5100 Marlborough Dr
Kensington California 92116