Hi - I'm Joanna Penn and I wrote "How to Enjoy Your Job" because I have spent 11 years trying to work out how to love my work, as well as trying to find out what I really wanted to do. Finally, I've made it!
Click here to see a video of me talking about why I wrote the book.
I have worked at a number of different jobs, and so the processes and tips in the book are based on my own experience of trial and error, as well as other research and evidence. I also have a blog which focuses on changing the way we work.
Here is a bit about me and why I am qualified to write "How to Enjoy Your Job" and be an expert on career change.
"First you jump off the cliff and then you build your wings on the way down." Ray Bradbury
"Set a goal that is big enough that in the process of achieving it, you become someone worth becoming." Jim Rohn
"Change is the only thing worth living for. Never sit your life out at a desk. Ulcers and heart condition follow." Bruce Chatwin
You can get the Fre.e Companion workbook plus Chapter 1 of my book "How to Enjoy Your Job" at http:\\www.HowToEnjoyYourJob.com
The site also has video, testimonials, links to free articles and other information.
My blog is at http:\\www.JoannaPenn.com - this is aimed at providing strategies, tips and inspiration for people regarding work and other aspects of life.
I would love to hear from you!
Email me at: joanna@HowToEnjoyYourJob.com
Add a comment to my blog: http:\\www.JoannaPenn.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=693937151
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/joannapenn
Skype: thecreativepenn