Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter, best-selling author of Your Performing Edge, is a STANFORD University Medical Center trained licensed clinical psychologist. She is one of America's most in-demand keynote speakers, performance consultants, and a world-class athlete. Winner of the San Francisco Marathon and 2nd in the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon, Dr. Dahlkoetter has appeared on ABC's Wide World of Sports, and has been featured in USA TODAY, Time Magazine, Prevention, and Sports Illustrated.
Dr. JoAnn is a frequent expert commentator on ABC, CBS, FOX NEWS, and BBC-TV. She contributes to Triathlete and Running Times Magazine. She was a credentialed sports psychologist in Athens working with her Olympic Gold Medalist clients at the OLYMPIC Training Center during the 2004 Summer Games. Her consultations and interviews with elite athletes, including Lance Armstrong, and top business executives give her special insight into using the mind-body connection to achieve the best in personal performance.
Her bestselling book is endorsed by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Brian Tracy, Dr. Denis Waitley, and several of her Olympic Gold Medalist clients.