Joan Heartfield and her husband Tomas are innovators in the Art of Beloved Relationship. Joan is the author of Romancing The Beloved, A Sacred Sexual Journey into Love. With her husband Tomas, she authored Sage Advice, Clear Answers to Relationship Questions. They are the creators of Conversations That Matter, Opening to Love Ceremonies, and Romancing the Beloved. A counselor and guide since 1980, Joan brings a loving heart in combination with a profound wit to the consciousness of her work. Her transmission around relationship inspires and awakens others to what is possible. In addition to her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology, Joan has an MFA in Dance, Drama and Theatre. She brings an integrated,joyful and radiantly alive presence into her workshops, skype calls and private practice. Her teachers include Dr. Stanislav Grof, Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone, Dr. Irv Katz, Jack Kornfield, Joseph Campbell, Angeles Arrien, Swami Muktananda, Swami Sachidananda, John Grey, Caroline Muir, Dr. Harville Hendrix, Christiane Pankhurst and Cliff Barry. Joan has helped thousands of people find deeper meaning and aliveness in their search for wholeness in a challenging world.
Define yourself by your own values, and live up to who and how you want to be
Joan Heartfield PhD
Director, Talking Hearts
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