Having been working in marketing for a number of years I am now concentrating on the fashion and beauty sector. From working with various health and beauty products I have learnt a lot about natural health, beauty and fashion.
I run my own fashion / beauty / health blog dealing with everything from weight loss to nail polish. I also write articles on a regular basis on topic to do with health and fitness.
I work for ww.emu-oil-well.com as brand and marketing manage. From there I deal with various marketing and PR related issues.
The best way to learn about me is through www.feelingstylish.wordpress.com that is my personal blog through the journey of losing weight. I also post the odd article on health and fitness as well as loads of pretty pictures. the perfect motivation if you need to get through that dieting plateau.
As for my products well I market Emu Oil, a soothing, healing product that I swear by.Of course you'd expect me to enthuse about the product because I work for them. I think even if I didn't work for them or even if I ceased the work I'd still want to spread the word of Emu Oil. I've never come across a product that can do so many things at once. Soothing, healing, anti-inflammatory, relieves joint pain, moisturising and so much more. I love the stuff, especially the Shampoo and face cream.
Feel free to call me:
01603 610883
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