Jean is a teacher, healer, speaker, ceremonialist and internet business owner. She uses her training in shamanism, reiki, crystal and sound healing as the basis for a teaching and healing practice. She has 12 years of training and experience in Peruvian shamanism, reiki and crystals healing.
Recently Jean has gotten her certification in sound healing from Jonathan Goldman, and received Level One training in the Accutonics modality of vibrational healing using tuning forks.
Teachers both in the US and South America include don Oscar Miro-Quesada, Susan Lipshutz and Tom Voitas (Rainbow Journey, LLC) Luz Clara, don Francisco Montes Shuna, dona Ysabel Chinguel and dona Olinda Pintado.
Jean uses a combination of shamanic healing, crystal and sound healing, reiki and drumming in her healing practice. In addition to this practice she teaches workshops and apprenticeships in Peruvian and Cross-Cultural Shamanic traditions, Crystal healing and Reiki. She holds sound healing and other ceremonies in the Chicago area. She is also the owner of an e-commerce site selling crystals, minerals, jewelry and other sacred items. Her website is