I bring unique vision honed by 12-years of highly successful practice wedded to real life smarts and experience to my coaching, which is a passion. I provide a profound and utterly useful world view and framework for understanding all relationship (and in fact life) issues and then I teach people absolutely effective skills to deal with them, many of which I created. I specialize in and get especially fast results with couples (see testimonials) because I coach how to solve issues from a connected place…and I get the couples into that connected place. I am aided in this by being highly intuitive.
My success in quickly helping people reorient their relationships and lives without spending years in therapy or marriage counseling draws partially on my background as a journalist (I founded the LA Weekly newspaper) in which, in order to write about them, I participated in innumerable human development trainings. I later continued my education for its own sake, attending scores of other workshops and participated in a Master’s degree psychology program. Along with personal coaching, I also conduct highly successful advanced relationship trainings for groups.
My goal is to train couples and individuals to become their own coaches and to guide each other as well as themselves out of the reactive, traumatized behavior, programs and belief systems that obstruct loving relationships. My profound belief is that a conscious relationship is the best healing tool in the world, once you learn how to use it to create connection.
I’ve worked with hundreds of people from all walks of life and almost every occupation, CEOs and struggling young couples and everyone in between, with people who have had lots of therapy and with people who have had none– and I’ve seen real growth and relationship healing, sometimes phenomenally so, in virtually everyone and every partnership.
You will improve communications and confidence and enjoy deeper intimacy without spending years in therapy or marriage counseling. Harnessed with new ways of being, through healing through the heart and gaining a deeper capacity for listening and for managing your own reactivity and negativity, individuals are equipped to foster more positive communication in love and intimacy as well as smoother sailing in general with others in their life and in their careers.
— Carry Kim
"“Amazing" “The relationship coaching and class changed our paradigms and our relationship. Jay is incredibly astute. He does an amazing job. We cannot recommend hm highly enough.” "— Sherry and Gary Burdoff
""Masterful" “Jay's work as a couples coach is masterful. I highly recommend him to any couple (and any individual) who wants to look deeper into their dynamics.”"— Susan Suntree
""Immediate Help" "Jay Levin has the ability to understand human behaviors and patterns. His approach to how to self-empower ourselves and in our relationships immediately helps you focus and understand from where your unhealthy behaviors are coming and how to approach them. We are here to enjoy ourselves and our relationships. Jay is magnificent in helping us achieve it!" "— Kesia Elwin
""The Art of Relationship" "Jay's taught me and my partner not only a framework for understanding the art of relationship, both with one's self and others, but also tools of communication to begin gently transforming less effective attitudes and interactions into true healing and real connection." "— Stephen Marr
""This was such a great and informative coaching that I thought......why the heck didn’t I learn this in high school? I’ve been approaching the entire thing completely wrong! I could have avoided a ton of headaches!"— Daisy McCracken
""Sheer Excellence" “Jay brings the same level of sheer excellence, intelligence, vision and innovation to his Relationship coaching and training that he did to the LA Weekly after he created it. Plus it's SO MUCH FUN! Highly recommend!” "— Jamie Beardsley
"Man and woman are struggling to co-exist harmoniously within a context of an unhealthy matrix that causes each to suffer primary wounds and generate self-protective stances in order to 'survive' and protect their traumatized selves. Jay Levin breaks down the effects of the unhealthy matrix on the psyche of both man and woman and in doing so gifts us with the tools, understanding and compassion to help ourselves and each other recover our authentic selves and step out of the matrix."— Lisa Ferguson
""From experiencing Jay's work I’m learning more about women - and actually I’m seeing more of myself as well as I learn more about women: I have more clarity in the aspect of patterns I have. I’m very fortunate in that I have been working on those already but Jay has outlined other aspects that I hadn’t quite focused on as clearly as this makes you do – and it makes me very excited. Because I’m currently in a relationship that’s intimate but I also consider my friends as family and that’s an intimate relationship for me right there. So this is all important, and I will carry this for the rest of my days.” "— Russell Alexander-Orosc
" I’ve never done anything like this before - no therapy or group classes, nothing like this. So it seemed like I was being bombarded with all these subconscious things I was aware of but never actually expressed with other people. I feel that everyone really is aware of these things but to talk about it really brings it out. And I learned a lot more about myself. Not being in a relationship now, Jay gave me a good road map for the next one that might come up."— John Hanson
"Jay illuminated men as something more than the other from another planet but as vulnerable humans burdened by pressures, demands, and expectations that engendered specific behaviors. As a result, compassion replaced fear and defensiveness, understanding replaced suspicion and game-playing was replaced with real communication, the result being a positive impact on my relationship with all the men in my life."— Abby Stone
":Most of my relationships had traumatized men in them - as well as me being a traumatized woman. Not being in a relationship now for four years, has helped come to the point where with Jay's training I really understood what mistakes I had kept repeating – my patterns of picking the same type of traumatized man on different levels, between different age groups and different nationalities. Didn’t matter. It was the same trauma. They were very wounded by their fathers mostly, not their mothers, their fathers. So I’m hopeful that anyone who works with Jay who really wants to get to know themselves and how they relate to men, that these women get to see the signs of not communicating. "— Babette Ory
"“Without Jay's coaching I don't think I'd be dealing with the different problems the way I have been. For the first time in my life, I have a very clear sense of what I'm looking for in an intimate relationship. For the first time, I know what it will look like, and I know what it will take. I've had a lot of challenges knowing how to communicate with my partner. I now have words to describe what I'm feeling and I know where I'm going with the dialogue. I feel relieved and satisfied. I've been alive for, it seems, a long time to get to this point ... and once the coaching kicked in for me, it's taken no time at all to get it." Michele Lamarche"— Michele LaMarche
"I found that Jay's training in a very necessary way gave me basic information I was lacking that seems IMPERATIVE to relating to the opposite sex. I would even say it is information that can be applied to any stage of a relationship and that having the information and using it could revitalize an existing relationship. Conversely, if you are not in one, one could apply it in a playful way by just looking at your interactions with male friends, acquaintances or brief encounters through the lens that Jay provides! I feel this to be important, as it gives us the confidence to practice with our brothers in a much more compassionate and understanding way!"— Michelle Durand
"“I found Jay's coaching and training to be extremely valuable. It allowed me a deeper reflection of my past and how I created life and partnerships – and allowed me to see things differently so that I may move forward with different choices. In the past I’ve left just about every relationship that I was in. After going through this training I feel confident that I have more tools and skills and understanding on approaching a relationship…I think after this I understand this is doable, we can move forward and we can create it. I would recommend Jay to every woman who has been in and out of relationships, to get a better handle on what we are doing.""— Kineret Sherman
Skype Coaching
Live Classes in Advanced Realtionship Training and in Life Mastery Basics, for Los Angeles residents
More about me, my audio classes and my live classes and coaching is available at www.jaylevin.com and www.relationshipcounselingtoday.com