Hi there! I'm Imani Sankofa, Holisitc Health Coach and Consultant. As a result of working with me, women learn how to reduce stress, release weight, and reconnect to life. I'm looking to work with women who are interested in peace of mind, improved health, and creating a life they love.
In 2003, my youngest daughter was diagnosed with Crohn's disease after a long episode of severe hairloss, weightloss, vomiting and other violent symptoms. Crohn's disease is an inflammatory disease of the intestines that may affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus, causing a wide variety of symptoms.
I was told the prognosis was fatal unless certain medical measures were immediately taken. My mind rushed into panic mode. I had never heard of Crohn's disease less alone knew what measures to take to combat the issue.
I began to overload on medical research and sought advice from various sources ranging from gastrointestinal doctors to surgeons. I consulted with my spiritual advisor on how to address the spiritual part of the equation. Then the journey to wellness began.
Now, I was equipped with a team of great doctors from Texas Children's Hospital, my personal spiritual advisor, and detailed medical information. Together we devised a treatment plan that addressed mind, body and spirit. The plan included western and alternative medicine treatments as well as spiritual affirmations and prayer.
Long story short, after more than 3 years of working the plan, my daughter's health was restored!
From that point, I began to educate myself on wellness and holistic living. I attended school where I obtained my certification as a Natural Health and Wellness Consultant. As a result, Black Health Village was born.
"There is a cosmic conversion going on within you, but you have to be quiet to hear this sweet language of the unspoken." - Queen Afua
"Life gives you an endless supply of do-overs." - Iyanla Vanzant
"The perspective that you emphasize will direct your outcome. Either you have a positive perspective, or you risk missing your objective." - Carla Harris
Learn more about Imani by visiting www.blackhealthvillage.com.
Download our Special Report: 5 Things You Should Know Before Working With A Holistic Health Coach
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Attn: Imani Sankofa
Black Health Village
Tel: 469.909.1722
Imani (at)blackhealthvillage.com
Have Questions? www.AskImani.info
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