I have a background in teaching and web design, and have been a frustrated artist all my life. I finally really opened myself up to the creative process when I encountered The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, and since that time have organized the Toronto Artist's Way Meetup, dedicated to bringing together atists and would-be artists in a supportive environment. It is always a joyous thing when people come together and realize that there are others like them, who share their dreams for an artistic life and don't reflect the common societal disapproval of creativity. More recently I have set up a website - www.artiststatement.com - which contains articles and resources for people who want to make their way in the world of the artistic.
http://www.cramberry.com - My personal website
http://www.artiststatement.com - Resources for struggling artists looking to balance art, work and life.
http://glencram.wordpress.com - My Blog