As I found MY path to healing major health and emotional challenges I have found the answers for others. The solution is a little different for each person. 30% of the population can change their diet drastically and only have minimal improvement. This was me.
This means 70% of the population can drastically change their diets and get what seems like a miracle healing in less than 6 months. The point: diet matters.
My problems stemmed from having energetic problems with in my mind/body complex. If your eating great and are still sick, or nothings getting any better. Then you may also be in the same boat I was. I drastically changed my diet for the better for two years and felt little relief or increase in energy. My return to health involved more “energy” work then dietary work. My body needed to get rewired after years of stress and one minor surgical procedure that healed physically, but not energetically.
I was very ill as a child with asthma, allergies, sinus problems, skin rashes and pain. I spent time in and out of hospitals until the age of 10. I seemed to grow out of some of the illness…. when really I just got comfortable with being uncomfortable. At 16 I started suffering from chronic pain. By 17 I had pneumonia, one more time. This was the tipping point for the downhill spiral for my health. Not that I knew it at the time. The IV antibiotics had damaged the natural happy bacteria in my body to the point that I could no longer ignore my on and off again symptoms. This event I believe started a host of other issues that develop from the lack of having a health normal flora in my body.
I was full of yeast which was poisoning my system and weakening my health. I could no long ignore my weakening health after the birth of my daughter. Pregnancy seemed natural and easy even though I had several systemic infections causing other unknown problems. Delivery wasn’t a big deal; however, the episiotomy did me in. It interfered with how my meridians worked in my body. My daughter was born with cradle cap which was my systemic yeast infection past on to her. Which as a parent I had to address to keep her healthy.
I exhausted western medicine and was desperate for a solution to my failing health. I started off in western medicine career field in 1983 and was a firm believer it would heal me. This was not the case. It took me two years to realize it wasn’t going to work for me. Even though I felt lost as what to do I started going to many different practitioners: chiropractors, healers, massage therapy, acupuncturist, life coaches, even studied meditation and healing with Buddhist monks.
It was a five year journey to being pain free, emotionally resilient, and developing a practice of my own to help others heal themselves. In the beginning most everyone will need the assistance of someone else to get the ball rolling. I am deeply grateful and blessed to have worked with so many great practitioners that helped me heal. They keep me motivated when I was detoxing physically or emotionally.
My goal is to decrease the time it takes for others to heal. I have gathered all the info I have learned over the last 15 years and will continue to add it to my website so others can transform their lives and the lives of the ones they love.
There is no magic diet or healer for everyone. There are several things that everyone can do to feel better and live longer. Many will be found within this website. Everyone is intuitive so pay attention to what your curious about and drawn to. Your body is hard wired to heal itself and is giving you hints all the time. Slow down, try something new, and listen to your body.
I have witnessed so many illnesses GO AWAY , but keep in mind it is a process and not an event.
Classes on ineffective thinking patterns. The two most important motivation styles. Personal inhibition mode and personal awareness mode; the brain on stress class. Other interesting and easy to use classses, EFT, Yes, and energy meditation classes for healing.