With a B.Sc. in Psychology, a Doctor of Naturopathy degree and certified as a Hypnotherapist, I combine the skills of a personal wellness advisor, coach, educator and consultant to bring support, objectivity, structure and motivation to your desire for understanding your self-defeating behaviors and making changes. My goal is to inspire you to unleash your full potential, build a more positive self-image, better manage life stressors and gain a greater degree of contentment. I am a member of the National Speakers Association, a Certified Facilitator of The Passion Test™ and Conflict Dynamics Profile® and currently teach for First Class, Inc and LifeWork Strategies Inc. My clients have included government agencies, law firms, non-profit organizations and associations. In addition to lecturing and coaching, I have spent the last 12 years as a consultant to NASA Headquarters. During this time I benchmarked, designed and implemented a Work/Life Program, one of the first such programs in the Federal Government. I also implemented the first monthly newsletter offering employees tools, tips and techniques for more effectively handling the stresses in life. As part of my commitment to spreading the important message of being proactive about improving one’s quality of life, I am the author of numerous articles for publications such as NASA’s Work/Life Navigator, Washington Woman, The Medical News, The Energy Club’s monthly newsletter and the newsletter of Australians in Washington Association. I have spent my career encouraging people to “upgrade their inner human software”. My passion involves working with groups and individuals who wish to explore how change affects them and develop ways to cope and work creatively with change.
"Living a life with passion and purpose is about taking a worthy blueprint, demolishing limiting barriers and constructing your Palace of Possibilities." -- Evelin Saxinger