What is the purose of life? Is it "The one who dies with the most toys wins?" Is it helping others? or creating a work of art, or an enterprise? I think otherwise, and I live my life accordingly.
The sole/soul purpose of life is to be present with whatever is present with you now. That's it! Nothing else, but what a challenge, 24/7!
Rev. Eleanor Richard is a Marriage & Family Therapist, a Lomi Associate, a minister of Religious Science and the present moment, and is a Natural Vision Instructor. She has a counseling practice in Mt. Shasta, Ca., performing Mt. Shasta Weddings, and lives with her husband, a dog and a cat in Weed, where the Center for Spiritual Growth (non-profit) is located.
She uses Mindfulness Therapy and enjoys public speaking invitations. Her Metaphysical Sunday Evenings at 105 Alma St in Mt. Shasta bring together others who put their spiritual growth first. Her vision statement: Awakening Humanity to its Spiritual Magnificence.
Please visit http://www.AwakePath.com
A class in Natural Vision Instruction can be formed with 5-10 interest people who wish to see better without glasses. Contact the Center for Spiritual Growth
A Sunday Metaphysical Evening at Mt. Shasta, 105 Alma St., 7:00 pm for those who put their spiritual growth first.
Out beyond ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing, there is a Field. I'll meet you there." Rumi
The sole purpose of life is to be present. The soul purpose of life is to be present.
The only power there is, is contained within this moment: It is the power of your presence. Eckhart Tolle. That's how powerful you are!
There is One Field of loving intelligence. Your purpose in life is to stay consciousnely present in it. Eleanor Richard, www.AwakePath.com
To begin living your purpose, check out www.AwakePath.com. There you will find choices that fit your needs and availability. For example, choose to purchase Words From Silence and begin your awakening experience. Or you might wish to order Science of Mind Jewelry or Oneness Jewelry and wear your purpose in life--to evolve spiritually in Presence.
If you need to work through emotional or physical blocks, visit Mt. Shasta for a Lomi Bodywork & Counseling session, or personal coaching on the phone or by email.
If you are planning a wedding, call 530-261-1254 to set the date for your peak experience in the present moment.
The Religious Science Center for Spiritual Growth, chartered in 1998, is a non-profit organization located near Mt. Shasta, Ca.
Contact Rev. Eleanor at 530-938-2930 or RevEleanor@AwakePath.com to set up a free consultation or plan a Mt. Shasta wedding, or visit www.AwakeningHumanity.org & www.AwakePath.com
Rev. Eleanor welcomes you to bring forth the inner peace within you by awakening to the present moment many times a day, until you can live in Presence. Being for or against anything takes you right out of Presence. Mind-wandering is detrimental to physical and mental health. It's easy to be present!