Edwige Gilbert,is a life Coach specialized in Joie de vivre through stress and emotional management. She is the founder of New Life Directions and author of “The Fresh Start Promise: 28 Days to Total Mind, Body, Spirit Transformation”. For more than 20 years she has worked with individuals and groups, conducting seminars, retreats and lectures around the world. She believes that there are no "do-overs" but there are "start-overs" and her forte is teaching people how achieve emotional balance, clear unwanted habits, and live healthier lives filled with “joie de vivre." She also strongly believes in the the integration of mind, body and spirit to achieve this result.She has been most recently featured on Lifetime TV( “The balancing Act”) on national radio and in such magazines as American Health, Allure, Women’s Fitness and The New York Daily News. She is the creator of “Nouvelle Yoga,” “Zen Workout” and the “Fresh Start” program. Edwige has designed stress management programs for Smith Barney, MTV, The Corcoran Group, Citigroup, St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital, and many others.
She is presently designing a Fresh Start program for the elimination of emotional overeating and for permanent weight loss solutions. She also has created another Fresh Start stress program for transforming Cancer related stress into hope and strength.
She believes that in these challenging times where we cannot find safety in the world we live in, it is time to turn our attention inward for our source of inspiration, comfort and Joie de vivre.
To contact Edwige Gilbert check out her website: www.newlifedirections.com or call at 561-683-4815
"Stop forcing change upon yourself and start imagining yourself changed"
Edwige Gilbert
"Whether you believe you can or you believe you can't you are right"
Henry Ford
7 Tips to create Joie de vivre
1. Upon waking, stretch your arms above your head and declare: “I am happy to be me” “I welcome the world of infinite possibilities” “I Can. I Do. I Will” “Victory to me, Victory is mine” 2. Upon encountering difficulty, imagine in your hand the sword of fearlessness , then walk boldly forward to meet your challenge.
3. When experiencing anxiety, gently wrap your left thumb with the fingers of your right hand. Hold for 1 minute… as you do, watch all worries melting away. 4. When desiring calmness, take a deep breath and utter the word “calm.” As you exhale, say “let go.” As you do, imagine your mind at the silent bottom of the sea without a ripple of thought to disturb its surface.
5. When desiring courage and strength, bring awareness to your belly, for this is the power center of your being. As you inhale, gather the earth’s energy and feed that powerful space. 6. When desiring change, forego the will its need to be. Engage, instead, the mind’s capacity to imagine and thus create that which you intend to be.
7. When encountering significant challenges, thank the world for the blessing of their opportunity.