Do you...
How valuable would it be for you if you knew the part of you that:
Caused you to attract all of those situations above?
Caused all of your past and now your present challenges?
Is right now as you read this, constructing your future challenges
whether minor or horrific?
How valuable would it be for you if you knew the part of you that:
Caused you to attract all of those situations above?
Caused all of your past and now your present challenges?
Is right now as you read this, constructing your future challenges
whether minor or horrific?
How valuable would it be if you knew - the antidote, just one action step that will give the answer to any problem that you encounter - guaranteed!?
AND…Imagine knowing exactly the course you need to take to acquire the things you want and what it would take to enhance the relationships in all aspects of your life.
How would your life turn out if you knew all of this?
Now You Can Discover All Of This With The New DVD Program....
Letting Go: The Missing Link To Getting What You Want!
These are some of the things that you will learn in the program.
* Discover a technique that will add more time in your week for the things
you want to do!
* Learn what you can do to let go even if you have a hard time forgiving
someone or yourself
* Create a Letting Go List instead of a goal list!
* Learn The 6 Categories of Self
* Discover the people and things in your life that are holding you back
from your goals!
* Compare your present Goal List to your Letting Go List and discover
what goals are unattainable due to your Letting Go List!
* Release one or two items on your list and watch the majority of the
other items disappear with little effort!
* Discover its Antidote, just one action step that will give the answer to
any problem you encounter – guaranteed!
* Discover the part of you that has attracted all of your past and
present challenges!
Because it not only worked for me but for so many others who have followed the steps in this program!
"Dr. Agrios' Letting Go DVD program is a simply brilliant method of clearing out the old to make way for the new, wondrous things I am creating in my life"
Robin Hoffman
The Author Alchemist
Eighteen years ago, I began to discover the one law that the entire universe follows and how it governs our lives as well as everything else, from the atoms to the galaxies. During this journey of discovery, my life took a turn I never expected.
From financial ruin, death of loved ones, divorce, a physical disability that forced me to close my 15 year old practice, become the care taker of my dying mother, and other events that caused even more hardship which affected other people’s lives. This caused me to act in ways that made things worse and I found myself in a tailspin. Depression, mental anguish and despair would visit me quite often…all within a small time frame.
These “hardships” were necessary for me to continue with my journey to fully discover this one law I call… Life’s One Law.
I had a choice to view these as “hardships” or “benefits”. I chose the latter. Because without them, I would have never become the person I am today, would not have been able to make these incredible discoveries and especially, touch the lives of others by teaching them the principles of Life’s One Law so they can change their lives…forever!
Life’s One Law explains:
Why we make the decisions we do
Why we attract the people and the things in our lives no matter how
destructive they may be to us
Why we embrace or push away what we most desire
And so much mor
The program will be available on Novemeber 29th and the website will be...
Thank you
Dr Philip Agrios
If you want to find out the exact part of you that has created all of your problems throughtout your entire life and receive the ONE ANTIDOTE to balance it out in under 4 minutes, sign up for my FREE TeleClass at SilentPartnerTeleClass.com.
I also consultant on a one on one basis. For more information, please email me at DrA@LifesOneLaw.com or call 1-888-543-3715.
Please visit
me at www.LifesOneLaw.com and become a
You will
receive a free Ezine filled with answers to my viewers’ questions as well as
information and a free gift from my Radio Guest and Featured Author. There are many other benefits for being a
member. Register now at www.LifesOneLaw.com.
questions yourself? Email me at DrA@LifesOneLaw.com.
Thank you
for your time.
WEBSITES: LifesOneLaw.com.
EMAIL: Info@LifesOneLaw.com
PHONE: 1-888-LIFES1LAW (888-543-3715)
233 East Main Street
Manasquan, NJ 08736
(732) 528-5533
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Saddle Brook, NJ 07663
(973) 478-2212