Dr. Seaman attended Emory University in Atlanta where she received a full scholarship, was elected to the Dean’s list, and completed a Bachelor of Arts. She then attended the prestigious National College of Chiropractic. 4 years later she graduated with her Doctorate of Chiropractic and a Bachelor of Science degree.
AssociationsShe is presently a member of the American Chiropractic Association, Illinois Chiropractic Association, Council on Sports Injuries and Physical Fitness, Diplomat of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, International Pediatric Chiropractic Society, and was included in the International Who’s Who of Women.
Post-Graduate:Always wanting to expand on her knowledge in natural healing, she has taken postgraduate classes in acupuncture, bio-mechanics, nutrition, rehabilitation, and orthopedics, prenatal and pediatric care.
Community Involvement:Currently happily practicing on the northwest side, she is always working to improve the life of others, even outside of the average workday. As an active participant in community affairs, she is always eager to share her knowledge and speak on the topics of her expertise and passion. She has been asked to present workshops and lectures to educate the community on natural health-care subjects. To date, Dr. Seaman has presented and lectured at universities, public and private schools, senior centers, and local businesses.
Quality of CareAt Seaman Chiropractic Center, we believe in combining modern technology with natural healing. Dr. Cynthia Seaman has been freeing people from pain in her community and surrounding areas for the past 28 years. She draws her patients from Niles, Skokie, Lincolnwood, Jefferson Park, Sauganash, and the entire Northwest side of Chicago. As a Chiropractor with years of experience, Dr. Seaman is committed to promoting optimal health and well-being of her patients.
4941 W Foster Ave
Chicago IL 60630
Phone: (773) 545-2233
Fax: (773) 545-8383