DeAnna L’am (B.A.) speaker, coach, and consultant, is author of Becoming Peers – Mentoring Girls Into Womanhood.
Her ground-breaking work has been transforming girls’ and women’s lives around the world, for over 20 years.
DeAnna was the first to bring Rites-Of-Passage work to Israel/Palestine, her country of origin, where she helped Jewish & Palestinian women surpass political and religious differences by deeply bonding as cycling women.
DeAnna specializes in empowering women to reclaim their monthly cycle as source of inner guidance and spiritual renewal, inspires Moms to become empowering role models for their girls, and trains women to hold Red Tents in their communities.
Visit her at:
DeAnna L'am
Red Moon ~ Cycles of Women's Wisdom™
Tel. 707.823.5659
Fax 707.829.2129
P.O. Box 1251,
Sebastopol, CA 95473