Dr. Deana translates positive psychology and neuroscience into practical strategies for high-achieving women to "Flourish at Work and Enjoy More Life." She also consults organizational leaders on advancing woman-friendly cultures. Contact Dr. Deana through her website at www.drDeana.global and connect with her on FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn @DrDeanaSpeaks
Lead 2 Flourish at Work and Enjoy More Life
Look for a sense of purpose in every activity
The most powerful position of a contented and fulfilled women achiever is that ofn a learner.
Flourishing is about positivity.
Investing in things that bring more positive emotions is an investment in your future.
Successful but seeking something more? If you don't know who you are, you will never be content with what you can do.
Dr. Deana works with high-achieving women to extinguish self-sabotaging beliefs and habits that hinders you from finding the contentment and direction to move from success to significance and flourish at work and enjoy more life!
Visit http://drdeanamurphy.com and let's define what significance looks like in your life so you can start living and enjoying it!