I came from a
background of standard English schooling, which left me somewhat
unprepared for the world, so I went to Asia for most of a decade. Thailand for six years, India for
2, Spain for 3. But my travels soon became a search for a home and a
people. It was not until I got to Taiwan and started reading, that I
even began to think about how our choices affect us. I was too busy
blaming the world for my choices to see that there was actually any
choice at all...
My explorations into self
administered colonics, fasts, raw foods, etc., all sprang from this
time, and slowly as I began to play with my diet and lifestyle choices,
the results attracted the attention of others. My regular skin irritations and
infections, ceased, and I realized that my body was changing in ways I never heard mentioned in any of the medical systems I had studied (ayurveda / Chinese mediciine / herbology, etc !)
Years of taking friends and colleagues through fasts and
colonics, My then wife & I started up Home Colonics in February 2002 in
Spain, which evolved into Karuna
Retreats (meaning "compassion" in Sanskrit) and has culminated in Sura Detox.
It was
during these years with retreat groups that I refined and evolved my
reasons for running these retreats. I now know that it is not in the
colonics, or in the fast itself, but in the talks, that I come alive. And it is through these talks that I make a difference to people lives in the long term.
format of the fasts were basically in place, and having gone as far as
I could go with Karuna, I searched for a work environment that that
better suited my ‘we are all in it together’ approach, so I started Sura Detox with my new team of experts in the fields of meditation, massage, life-coaching and homeopathy.
I had also studied Permaculture in my time in Oz, and my next goal was to marry up this practical and simple paradigm of choice, action,
cause, effect, with my nutritional knowledge and the detox retreats
Now, after 15 years of detox - both my own, and running retreats, my greatest interest lies in the process, rather than the product.
It is getting more and more obvious that true healing can only come
from within the body itself, and the only things to be healed are the
consequences of our excessive, congesting lifestyle issues, or those of
our parents.
Given enough true rest, the body body falls into its own innate
processes of healing through detox, to clear the debris, and then to
the work of healing cells, back to greater function.
We like to see our choices as irelevant, and the body as flawed,
but everything that me and my team teach, show that there is always
choice. It was choices that lead us to our current position, and it
will be choices that lead us out of it. The only questions are whether
we each have the wherewithall to take responsibility for you decisions
instead of blaming our genes or our family, and which choices to make
There are often emotional aspects in this process that must also be
accounted for, and expressed. If they remain unintegrated, they can
hinder the healing, and actually lead to further damage of the whole.
But again, this attachment is a flaw with the mind, not the body (if
such a division can be entertained for a moment).
How, everything I teach in the talks is about choice and consequence. No illusion of judgement, no 'shoulds', no 'good for me' or 'bad for you'. Just, "if you eat this, this happens, is that what you want ?"
And the more simple it becomes, the more effective the message seems to be.
If we are such a fantastically robust and healthy race, why do we need an ever-growing army of doctors, nurses and drugs ? Shouldn't health be able needing less of these industries?
If we are supposed to be the pinnacle of evolution, how come that that dog can drink from that filthy puddle, and humans cannot ? Something changed. When did we become so weak ?
Why must I use plasters and disinfectants to clean and cover a wound, when every other animal simply licks it? Why doesn't the human immune system sork as well as the animals we are supposed to be evolved from ?!!!!
How come (if we're so great) that monkeys eat so much fruit and never clean their teeth, yet I must clean mine every night, or they rot ?
How come an average ape diet contains 2 - 5% dense protein, and yet they are 7 to 10 times stronger than us !!!??? We are eating much more protein, but our muscles are much weaker... Why ?
If grains are so nutritious, then how come they taste so bland that we need an endless array of condiments, flavours and sauces to smother them in.
If grains are so full of energy, why do we need a cup of coffee just to wake up? With all that energy, we should be bouncing off of the walls !
Why does our excrement contain such foul bacteria that it is highly poisonous, when many other animals can eat their own and eachothers with no ill effects, but we would die? Why is this bad bacteria even in the body if it is so poisonous?
The only place to really receive my work, my passion, and my true delivery of this material is on retreat with Sura Detox. In this week-long environment, each person softens and is able to receive and understand a level of information that takes far longer outside of the fast. Moreover, the entire bowel will have been cleansed, and the body profoundly rested, before the change of diet advised - meaning that the slow work of rebalancing the bacteria is done in a flash.
However, if you are unable to do so, and are just looking for the information, then I have written for many Raw / Live food magazines, including the Fresh Network and Funky Raw, as well as Natural Health, and spoken on Radio 2 with Chris Evans.
Also, many of my writings can be found on the following pages on my main portal - www.suradetox.com
On various subjects, such as:
My understanding of the conditions IBS, Crohns and Colitis: /ibstalks.php
Quick digestive run-through : /talks.php
A very alternative look at fat accumulation: /weightalks.php
The importance of pH balance for the body & tissues: /phbalance.php
The benefts of fasting generally: /fasting.php
My recommended use of colonics: /whycolonics.php
My environmental ethics, and policy of Sura Detox: /green.php