You want to be in control, to be confident, to make good choices. You trust yourself and take responsibility for yourself. You’ll do stuff that looks like it might work even if it’s the opposite of what books or “experts” say to do. You value stuff that just works. You want your right answer, not “the” right answer.
Talking about energy flow and feng shui doesn’t seem off the wall to you. That the movement of the eye and body in a space should flow makes sense because that means more energy. Openness and intentionality in your space and in your calendar means you can create without knocking anything over.
What you want more of: Intentionality. Clarity. Joy. Consciousness. Awareness. Purpose. Creating. Doing.
You’re a “hands-on philosopher,” a doer. Tactile. Empirical. You don’t just talk about stuff, you do it. If it doesn’t work, you do something else. Doing is wisdom.
Start by taking my free ecourse that will guide you through the seven steps to getting organized at home or at work. The ecourse begins at the beginning, defining why you want to get organized, so that you’ll have the motivation to see it through.
Get coaching from me in person or via email or Skype. Overcome your fear of letting things go; that means stuff, but also people and habits. Build practices that give you focus and get things done. Increase flow, energy and clarity so you can be your best. Info here.
Stay in touch with me on Twitter (@ClaireTompkins) and Facebook (