Cindy Prosor, a Spiritual Awakening Guidess, is a writer, teacher, speaker, entrepreneur and expert inner-peace coach. As a transformational leader, Cindy works with awakening women who are motivated to change their world from the inside out. Through her private and group mentoring and life-coaching programs, she guides women as they turn up the volume of self-love, deep healing, inner-peace and abundance in their lives.
Personal Growth
I have always considered myself a “personal growth junkie.”
Since my early 20’s, I have read books and attended workshops and retreats on spirituality, leadership and personal growth.
I connected with my first life coach 16 years ago quite by accident, and that was the beginning of accelerated learning for me.
I had found a mentor in my life that could listen, support and encourage me in ways beyond anything possible on my own.
About that same time, I invited a feng shui consultant to come into my home. I had been interested in how energy worked and this resonated with me.
I began making the changes that she suggested and things began to shift even more in my life. I was curious enough to start reading and eventually I took and passed a consultant training course from
At the time I did not know how life coaching and feng shui would connect but I trusted they would. I was right. By creating harmonious environments both inside and out, they support each other synergistically much more than they would on their own.
4 BIG Life Changes
In October 2004, my husband, son, and I moved from our life long home in Truckee, California to Gisborne, New Zealand.
This was a huge move for all of us, especially since we left our 18 year old daughter in the U.S.
Actually, between the months of August and October of that year, I made four big life changes. Along with leaving my community and moving half way around the world, I took my daughter to college and left her, passed my certification exams to be a certified life coach, and turned 50.
Needless to say, life has never been the same!
I did all of these changes in the same way that I have always lived my life…by staying true to my values, focusing on my intentions, and taking the path of least resistance. I trusted in my heart, and still do, that these choices were for our highest and best good.
I think that it is important that you know where I acquired my training to become a life coach.
I completed both the Core Co-Active Coach Training and The Business Development Program through The Coaches Training Institute in San Francisco, California.
After completing the Coach Training, I immediately went onto certification and passed both the oral and written exams to become a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, or CPCC. It is important to note that The Coaches Training Institute is recognized by the International Coach Federation, of which I am currently a member.
By honoring my values of Personal Growth, Integrity and Authenticity, I am consistently attending trainings and workshops as well as receiving regular coaching myself, with the full belief that it helps to make me a much better coach and individual. Some of my other core values are Truth, Generosity, Spirituality, Balance, Community, and Natural Beauty.
One after another, clients have come to me confused, unhappy and struggling in one or more areas of their life.
After just a few sessions, they are quickly discovering what brings them joy and fulfillment, and begin creating magic and fun in their life.
Learn more about my coaching services on my site, Opening Doors Within.