I work with spirit-filled individuals who are on a wellness journey--spiritually, emotionally, physically and consciously. I provide services to assist others in finding their way home, back to their true essence to awaken the God/Goddess within. When we are healed we can then begin to heal others and become change agents in this beautiful world. Together we can co-create a vision of peace and harmony and inspire others to do the same. The Law of Attraction says that what we focus on is drawn to us, so I teach others how to work toward creating their heart's desire. We work together to release any limiting beliefs they may be holding that are keeping them from the joy they deserve.
I do this work through coaching and mentoring, Reiki and Intuitive readings (Chakra readings, Akashic Record readings, Heart readings, Angelic readings).
"In this life, on my way back to Source, I have two choices: the path of love and acceptance or the path of fear and struggle. Being completely free, which one do I choose?" ~Mario Duguay
Go to my website at : http://www.livewithintentioncoaching.com to learn about my services and more about me. You can also go to my blog at: http://fromblocked2bliss.wordpress.com to read some of my musings that will also tell you a bit about me and my life philosophy.