Candace Stuart-Findlay is an Intuitive, Spiritual Transformation Facilitator, Core Issue Release Counselor, inspirational speaker, published author, host of the Empowered Whole Being Radio Show, host of The EWB TV YOuTube channel, and founder of Empowered Whole Being Foundation, began her reawakening journey in 1987. Candace's extensive exploration of Quantum Biology and Quantum Physics, in relationship to spirituality, guided her to develop the Spiritual Transformation Simplified™ ~ The Six Fundamentals for Life Mastery guidebook and program, successfully facilitated breakthrough transformation and self-empowerment for countless clients around the world.
Her mentored clients are able to quickly transcend self-sabotaging blocks, clarify what their source of true happiness is, and then bring their best life to fruition.
Learn more about her Spiritual Transformation Simplified™ process at .