I worked as a bartender for 11 years before earning my master’s degree from the University of Memphis. I am a licensed professional counselor and a clinically-certified forensic counselor with more than a decade of experience in mental health care and treatment. I have published one novella (Up from the Ruins) and two books of poetry, Reflections From the Other Side: The World Through the Eyes of a Bartender and Vodka Tonics for the Soul. I currently reside in Biloxi.
Web site: www.brucewaynebooks.com
"The heart has its reason that reason does not know." Blaise Pascal
"Life must be understood backwards but lived forward" Sorien Keirkeigaard
"Your subconscious is like a computer; who programs it? Your counscious mind. If you do not reach firm convictions, it gets programmed by chance and you deliver youreslf into the power of ideas you do not know you have accepted." Ayn Rand
"Anyone who had no need of anybody but himself is either a beast or a God." Aristotle
"Looking out at the road rushing under my wheels. I don't know how to tell you all how crazy this life feels. Looking to the friends I used to turn to pull me through. Looking into their eyes I see them running too." Jackson Browne
"Love don't even hear me; don't even come near me and walks right by my vacancy sign. Love needs a heart, trusting and blind; love needs a heart like mine." Jackson Browne
I am a writer and have published two books of poetry and one authobiography. I am an expert in forensic counseling and I also hold expertise in the areas of children and family. I have expertise in the area of addictions. I have professional training in theology as well. I was once a minister but left the ministry seeking to have more influence on people in private. I realize that public proclamation is the greatest means because we speak to so many at once. However, I feel that it is much more efficacious to speak to an individual alone.
You may contact me at my email address: brucewayne0@aol.com
You may also view web site: www.brucewaynebooks.com