Bernadette Morgan is the owner of Bernie Morgan Clear Mind Therapy. She is a certified ThetaHealing practitioner and teacher to advanced level. A practitioner in hypnotherapy/psychotherapy, complete mind therapy, and hypno-sensory therapy, and an advance practitioner in FREEWAY-CER as well as being a certified practitioner of the AMT in both EFT and EmoTrance.
She has just graduated with a BSc in Psychology from the University of the West of England as a mature student.
Her first book "Healthy Mind, Beautiful Body" which is a self-help book aimed at helping to achieve weight and body image improvement replacing self-loathing and dislike of the person in the mirror and replacing that with self-love and appreciation of the inner self, using holistic and esteem building exercises, was published in the summer of 2007.
Wildly enthusiastic about her healing work and the possibilities which it brings for people to fully realise their potential to let go of fears and concerns and Just Be Themselves and love that, she is eager and happy to share her love of life with others and help them to release their problems and live.
Bernadette is a divorced single mother and currently lives in Somerset, UK, with her four sons Matthew, Joseph, Thomas and Philip, splitting her time between there, Ireland, and Manhattan, New York where her fiance Micheál runs a landscaping design and installation business.
Telephone: +44 (0)1275-849125
Mobile/cell: +44 (0)7966-214974