Beloved Heartsong is the Director and instructor/facilitator for the LaHo-Chi Institute.
The LaHo-Chi Institute has been training energy healers worldwide for over 20 years. The trainings can be taken individually or as a certification program. The Institute offers 23 hours of nationally approved CE (Continuing Education) Credit with the NCBTMB for most of their courses and with the CA Board of Acupuncture Certification for LaHo-Chi Training.
Beloved is an intuitive teacher, life coach, conscious channel and and instructor of several healing modalities.
She teaches Sacred Tantric Dance for women and leads sacred journeys/retreats to Mt. Shasta, CA.
Beloved is the author of The Cosmic Cradle and has published many articles on spiritual mastery & growth. She is a singer/songwriter/composer/pianist/recording artist and hears/receives her energetically prescriptive music already written in it's entiety. Visit her site to listen or to read more: