I've spent my whole life using computers either playing with them or using them for business and now with the web and online marketing I intend to earn a living from them and the internet.
In my local area i'm a Webmaster and have made a few local self Catering and B&B sites but more and more my interest is going towards the web and a more global market where i hope to provide quality ethical advertising of products that i believe in to the customers who really need them.
I'm still learning but i really feel that sharing information and exploring the possibilities of online business together is the best way so feel free to get in touch and i'll try to offer as much knowledge as i've discovered to help you get your business online and flying.
The only thing we know for sure is our own experiance and perception, so take command of your world and accept responsibility for your thoughts, actions and impact.
Personally I believe that if we truly want something then there's little to nothing we can't achieve.
The tricky part is finding that thing we honestly 'want'
I'm just starting out learning all the various ways the Internet can be used to promote products and share knowledge with the world, but so far the best way to learn that i've seen is to find someone you can respect who's already at the top of the area you'd like to learn and make sure you study them as closely as possible.
Get in touch with me if your interested in online affiliate Marketing or if you have products that you'd like marketed, or even just to chat :)
You can also find me on Twitter @digitskyes
and FaceBook.