I know first hand what it is like to deal with food and body image issues. For years, I struggled with food issues and hating my body. I compared myself to every woman I saw, obsessed about which diet program might work this time, and resisted exercising refusing to give into what other people told me I should do and how I should look. I ate to hide how I was feeling and to avoid being close to anyone. I thought I couldn't be loved if I was fat.
12 years later, I am pleased to say all that has changed for the better. I no longer use food to cope. I feel good about myself, my body, and my life. I am now passionate about helping others recover as well.
I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in California and a Licensed Professional Counselor in Oregon. I hold a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology from Antioch University, Santa Barbara, CA.
My counseling experience spans 12 years and has included studying and working with experts in the eating disorder field, teaching counseling and communication skills classes, and assisting and managing several personal growth seminars and support groups.
phone: (503) 766-3399
email: anne@cuthbert.org
office: 1235 SE Division St, Suite 202B, Portland, OR 97202