Ann Musico is a Holistic Health Coach, health and wellness facilitator and independent nutritional consultant. She is also an author, freelance writer and blogger specializing in health issues, with articles published in Hudson Valley Life, Hudson Valley Parent, Healthy You, Living With Teenagers, Georgia Family Magazine and ParentGuide among others. Her popular book, "Today is Still the Day: A Blueprint for a 3D Life of Wholeness" is now available in Kindle edition and soft cover.
She has been married to husband, Alex, for 36 years and is the proud mom of three exceptional children: Christopher; Matthew; and Elizabeth. Ann has been a born-again believer and committed follower of the Lord Jesus Christ for over 30 years. Her relationship with God is her foundation and colors her approach to everything else in life. She's researched all types of health information for over 40 years, customizing it to meet her specific needs and those of the people she's coached.
Her mission is to motivate, educate and empower women to exemplify lives of vibrant health and wholeness - spirit, soul and body - in a way that is simple and effective, in order to be a positive influence in their world.
Ann firmly believes that we are each responsible for our own health and well-being. In order to make effective choices, we must have practical information that we can understand and apply to our lives.
Her website has a wealth of information. She has several books for sale on Kindle, including Nutrition Boosting Strategies, Entrepreneurs for Eternity, Natural First Aid Kit and In the Blink of an Eye. Just click on the "Books" tab to purchase. More are coming soon! Her "3-D Living Program" is the foundation of the coaching packages she offers. Learn more about the 7 Week Fitness Plan here! Order Today is Still the Day in softcover or Kindle. You can also visit her 3D Living blog for informative articles on health, nutrition, weight loss and supplements.
Follow Ann on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter
She is an enthusiastic distributor of Youngevity supplements and products as well as their exciting business opportunity for anyone looking for the freedom to create income from home!
Visit her website and subscribe for the free weekly No-Nonsense Nutrition Report!
If you want access to the highest quality, cutting edge supplements and nutritional products or you are looking for a way to begin a business from home and create an additional income stream for your family, visit my Youngevity . I believe you will find what you are looking for. It is the most affordable and truly high quality opportunity I have found anywhere and I have looked everywhere!
My weight loss and fitness plan - "Today's The Day 7-Week Fitness Plan" - doesn't just focus on losing weight. If you want to lose fat and get fit - spirit, soul and body - this is the plan! I personally coach you through the 7-week plan that follows my 3-D Living Plan - detox/cleanse, nourish/fuel, intentional exertion/exercise and rest/reboot. We address each aspect and the result is vibrant health and wholeness. There are 3 ways to coach with me through the weight loss plan. Visit my website to learn more today!
For affordable coaching options, contact me. There's a plan or product to fit every budget and need. Personal coaching is within the reach of everyone who sincerely desires it!
A healthy life is a balanced life spirit, soul and body." Three Dimensional Vitality is based on the foundational scripture - 1 Thessalonians 5:23 from the Message Bible:
May God Himself, the God Who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together spirit, soul and body and keep you fit for the coming of our Master Jesus Christ.
I believe we are created for wholeness, not just health or success or prosperity. When all parts of our being are working together harmoniously, all aspects of our lives will be healthy and whole.
Ann Musico
Three Dimensional Vitality: