Angela is the author of Don’t Forget To Look Up: A Christian’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety and Panic Attacks, and The Don’t Forget To Look Up Workbook: Uncovering the Root of Anxiety, Panic and Fear. She received a bachelor of science in public relations from Kent State University. As director of Fear to Freedom Ministries, Angela helps those suffering from anxiety and panic disorders via her website and ministry events. She has conducted an anxiety support group at Mercy Medical Center, and presented at the First and Second International Conference on Panic Attacks at the University of Westminster in London, England. She has also worked with the Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA), presenting at the organization’s National Conferences. Angela also had the privilege of conducting a series of stress briefings for the soldiers of the 3rd Chemical Brigade at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO, and spoke at the 2nd Annual MarineParents Conference in St. Louis. She is a speaker at churches and events, and a frequent guest on television and radio programs including It’s a New Day in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and 100 Huntley Street’s Full Circle in Burlington, Ontario.
The battle against fear, panic and anxiety is a battle fought initially in the mind. Our thoughts and words are so important in winning this fight. "As a man thinks, so is he." So we have to think about what we're thinking about! We have to look at the spiritual and physical nature of this struggle as well, and confront fear on all three battlegrounds: spirit, soul and body. You can have victory and live free from fear!