Alisa Linn has been an international spiritual health and growth educator, motivational speaker, and author for over 20 years. Driven by a compassion for people and the desire to see wellness, personal fulfillment, and spiritual/emotional healing in their lives, she has imparted encouragement, inspiration, hope, and healing to people around the globe.
Frequently the healing and blessings that await us spiritually, emotionally, and physically are hindered by past experiences which have created present perspectives of God as unwilling to do good to us, or by various fears, guilt, and unforgiveness—even of oneself. These negative emotions within our minds and spirits often prevent the health, healing, and contentment that is readily available to our lives. Through the sharing of practical emotional and spiritual insights, one can become aware of the endless capacity of good that God desires to pour into his or her life, alleviating fears, guilt, etc. Once this negativity is removed, it enables a person to receive love, comfort, healing, and wellness into his mind and spirit. Going beyond solely spiritual principles, Alisa provides positive, useful steps to aid people in overcoming recurring feelings of guilt, fear, and self-abasement.
The latest mode to broaden the communication of spiritual healing is Alisa’s weblog at This site is a platform for open spiritual discussion by people of all faiths who are truly seeking to know and experience God, receiving the love, health, healing, and blessing He desires to flood into our lives. Though these articles are written from her own personal studies and experiences with God and other people she loves, it is Alisa’s desire that anyone truly seeking God, health, and healing, will feel free to share their own experiences/input on the blog topics, as well as comment on her perspectives and those of others posted there.
It is an essential part of our healing, whether physical, emotional, and/or spiritual, to be able to believe that God wants our lives to be well.
You can believe yourself “worthy” of receiving because God’s loving responses to you will always be based on His unfailing love, not your perfection.
The realization that God values you so highly that He continually exists in a state of desiring your healing and well-being can increase one’s self worth and cause you to grasp hold of wanting the same healing, wholeness, and well-being for you that God wants for you.
The more we grow in our understanding of God, His character, His desires, His immeasurable love for us, the greater the detail of His visions of where our lives can go will be communicated to our spirits.
God’s ability is not without purpose. His purpose is to do for us what He is able to do, as we choose to believe and allow Him to do for us and in us, and that ability goes infinitely beyond what we are capable of dreaming of.
In spite of how others have treated you in life, regardless of past poor input that may have created negative perceptions of God’s feelings for you, allow the truths that He Himself speaks about His loving care for your life replace the negativity of the past and make you receptive to His goodness.
In blatant contrast to negative parental relationships that have been physically and/or emotionally abusive, God makes it clear that His relationship with us is love-based, not performance-based.
Sometimes, unaware to us, we begin to think, feel, and respond to God in our prayers and meditations as if we need to convince Him to love us or our loved ones enough to meet our needs or help us fulfill our dreams.
Every one of us desires to live a life of abundance, wellness, health, and healing. Alisa’s life purpose has been to bring hope and healing to people in need. Through, it is her sincere desire that you will receive the love, health, and healing God desires to pour into your life through the articles/flash video presentations of personal study and experience, as well as feel free to share your own life observations on the topics posted there.
Begin receiving your health and healing today by joining us at