Alicia Power is an advanced (35 years) Soul Mentor.
Considered a leader in her field she communicates with other-world "spirit mentors" who are at senior-level authority.
It is this senior spirit level that opens a fast-track opportunity for you to awaken your potential in this lifetime.
If you are interested in accelerating your journey toward embodying full soul power in this lifetime, join Alicia on regular webcasts, tele-courses, private consultations and live events.
Her clients include CEOs, lawyers, psychologists, educators, celebrities, community leaders and professionals in the US, UK, Australasia and New Zealand.
Free audios and video clips on
SPA 4 SOUL 6-11 October UBUD, Bali
Bali "Soul Cocoon" Retreat with Alicia Power
Immerse yourself in the sensuous, lush Balinese countryside
Be pampered, healed and refreshed with luxurious Spa Treatments
Receive soul guidance, awakening and gentle soul healing from a Master Teacher.
Enjoy relaxing yoga, adventures, Balinese culture and great food in this week of nurturing.
This retreat takes places several days before the world-famous UBUD WRITERS FESTIVAL so you can indulge in creativity and inspiration afterwards.
5-11 September 2008
Each year in September you are invited to swim with the whales in Tonga with psychic whale interpreter, Alicia Power. Alicia has been facilitating psychic whale encounters for a decade and has witnessed each time a profound opening of the heart within each participant.
Swimming with the whales adds an amazing dimension to the already powerful life-changing encounter. Imagine viewing a baby whale eye to eye! The psychic world of whales is opened and you observe for yourself your own connection with them beyond this plane.
These encounters are ALWAYS life changing.
"This life is your chance to realise that you have ACCELERATION at your fingertips. As soon as you notice that the spirit world as tutors are in attendance, your acceleration and collaboration begins."
"Human intelligence is only half awake to its full potential. As soon as the human mind opens to 'Higher Intelligence' it grabs the other half - the part that was waiting to co-join the walk forward."
"Opening to 'other world' beings via telepathy is only half the story. The rest is bearing the load of new information that treatens to destabilise one's current paradigms."
"Many people cannot discern telepathic communication from 'higher intelligence'. It is in fact so simple that most people miss the subtle impulse as it arrives. Electromagnetic transmission to your subtle energy field IS subtle! Learn to notice it!"
"Consciousness Acceleration is one thing. Learning to LOVE without interruption is another leap in intelligence all together."
"I have found that conversing with these Advanced Tutors from higher dimensional planes has left me with skills and tools - and support - that are ROCK SOLID."
Hi! Alicia Power here!
I am a Master Telepath - which basically means I chat to higher dimensional mentors who can view your entire being, your soul, all the lifetimes and experiences it has ever had, its goals, its longings, its fears and memories of damage. These beings can also see your full potential and capability.
I translate for them. Over the decades I have conversed with them, my own mind and being has changed. I have an enormous amount of knowledge and tools to pass on to you - full of empowerment, clarity and freedom.
1. To start, I encourage you to begin with the Home Study Program "Life Keys". A 6 month training program showing new ways of viewing life and yourself.
Go to:
2. Also - a fantastic fun new program is the SOUL CARE CLUB. 5 minute videos each week - teaching you to 'soul program' your week, introducing you to your own soul as well as teaching you to work with the spirit world easily.
Go to:
3. I also encourage you to check my AUDIO LIBRARY for important new insights on relationships, How To Change The World, What Your Soul Is Trying To Tell You, How To Govern Your Reality From Heart' - so many important 'how to's' we all need to know.
4. How about checking to see when my next LIVE tele-seminar is scheduled for!
Go to:
5. Most interesting of all for you, I'm sure, is a personal one on one session with me - to find out who you have been in other incarnations, what skills you had before, what fears have travelled with you from those times, and what your soul is most deeply longing for. This could change your life!
Go to:
And that is just the beginning...
See you soon.
If you have any questions go to: