Al Peasland is a 5th Dan Senior Instructor with the BCA (British Combat Association).
He has 25 years reality based martial arts training coupled with many years experience as a nightclub doorman in Coventry.
He is also a qualified NLP practitioner who works part time in the Formula 1 industry.
His company, Complete Self Protection, not only offers training in self defence techniques and concepts, enabling us to protect ourselves from the violent society we live in; it goes further to enable us to protect our inner selves by understanding more about who we are.
Al’s first book and DVD, Fence Concepts, introduces in his words a personal space management technique called “The Fence” conceptualised by Geoff Thompson.
He teaches martial arts classes in Coventry, Milton Keynes and travels extensively to present seminars in the martial arts field.
He also gives CRASH course presentations to the corporate world teaching “soft skills” to the general public and taking self protection out of the Gym and into the Boardroom.
Amongst Al's other facets, he delivers entertaining and motivational corporate presentations and he has even moved into the exciting world of Fight Choreography and Acting, his most recent work being that of a Vigilante in a short film entitled SNOWMAN.
Al is currently working on his subsequent novels.
“Having spent many years on the front line of violent confrontation and conflict, and with almost 25 years of martial arts training under my belt, I have come to the same conclusion as the majority of my peers. That is, if confrontation escalates to physical combat, it is far too late and a lot of steps and opportunities to avoid and de-escalate the situation must have been missed for it to have reached this extreme stage. Therefore my primary focus is on teaching everyone how to avoid conflict altogether.”
“Any good self-protection system should be accessible to all members of society, and not just those already participating in other fighting and combative arts”.
“Once we understand fear in ourselves, in all its guises, then we can begin to control and take charge of the same emotions within our attackers”
“Having been involved in literally countless real life situations, conflicts that were definitely life threatening; having delivered countless knock-outs to violent, aggressive and ruthless individuals; and having lived in the constant fear of personal physical attack and reprisals, I have come to one conclusion.
I hope that I never have to hit another human being again outside of my own gymnasium!
If we truly want self-protection then we must seek to protect ourselves from the inside first. To be good, honest, decent, compassionate and loving individuals with motivation, ambition and a hunger for knowledge and self-improvement. Sadly, however, we may still cross paths with not-so enlightened characters who wish nothing more than to do us physical harm.
Because of this we always need to be prepared and able to deal with this in an efficient, effective and decisive way.”
"If it was easy; everyone would be good"
To find out more about me and what I do, what I teach and the products I offer - the best place to start is my website Complete Self Protection
I can be contacted directly on
I offer lots of products on the world of martial arts and self protection, and also provide one-to-one personal training as well as class based sessions and larger group workshops.
I offer a corporate service that is tailored to every companies needs, often relating to the non-physical aspects of personal security.