Michael Mohoric is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Energy Healing and Energy Medicine". You can find complete information on Michael Mohoric and his products by visiting qigongenergyhealing.com.
About: Tarot Affirmations are positive statements using the Tarot, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualization for self-awareness, while enhancing one's perspective, confidence, and productivity. Becoming part of the ... Views: 2532
If you have an “incurable” condition, you may be asking yourself if there is any possibility that incurable conditions can be reversed. The answer is, “Yes.”
Just because modern allopathic medicine may not have a cure, doesn’t mean that healing isn’t possible. The journey of self-healing is ... Views: 1731
Especially for professional healers, it is extremely important to clear your energy field from any of another person’s energetic “garbage” that you may inadvertently have taken on during that person’s healing session - a time when your energy field is connected to your client’s.
Everyone can ... Views: 1750
Even though our conscious mind knows we should not behave or react in a certain way to certain people or situations, we often do it anyway! We know we shouldn’t turn red in the face and sweat when we have to talk to our boss, we know we shouldn’t procrastinate getting our assignment done and we ... Views: 2734
Each and every one of us on a path of personal growth needs a toolbox of quick, easy and powerful techniques to help us release and move beyond our personal issues and blockages. The ones below are some of my personal favourites:
•Lie on your back or sit ... Views: 2418
In order to keep ourselves in good energetic balance as healers we need to develop a daily routine for keeping ourselves centered and grounded. The following techniques are a couple of my favourites:
This technique using the colours of the chakras is quick and ... Views: 2455
Emotions tell stories about what is really going on. You’ve just got to be willing to sit with the uncomfortable ones long enough and with enough self-honesty to discover what they are telling you about what you need for your healing.
This is going to make a lot more sense if I share a ... Views: 1262
Are we just a body with a personality? From my understanding, we are much more than that. Each one of us has a higher aspect. This higher aspect has been typically called the Higher Self. If I am not wrong, others have also referred to it as the oversoul or overself.
Who and what is the ... Views: 2749
The Sound of Water reveals a path to enlightenment
I just came back from a stormy beach, where the waves are thunderous as they pound against the sand; and darts of rain pepper my face as I dare to turn into the wind. The wetness is something I can tolerate, because I love this awesome sound! ... Views: 1227
Do you have a favorite color? Has your favorite color changed over the years? I'll bet most poeple don't even consider WHY they like certain colors over others. In my blog post on emotion I talked about vibration and how everything has a vibration. Our voices are vibration, water carries ... Views: 1711
It is your responsibility as the receiver of other people’s prayers to set the intention for prayers and energetic forms of spiritual healing that are in alignment with your own your clear desire. That means your intention needs to be very clear.
A clear intention is dependent upon how you ... Views: 2473
The three primary levels of the mind are the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and the super conscious mind. The super conscious mind contains our blueprints for this lifetime, a high degree of energetic input, and our connection to our higher guidance. It builds and houses the permanent ... Views: 1950
Please be aware, as you move through brain illumination and clearing of the brain and the mind, to address the various aspects to which we are connected. All the areas of the brain may be clear and functioning well. However, if the different structures and systems are not in harmony, not ... Views: 1811
Have you noticed that sometimes an issue, particularly a stubborn life theme issue, has a tendency to reappear just when you thought it had been cleared for good? There are several dynamics at play here. The obvious answer lies in taking a good look at the progress you’ve made and being very ... Views: 1585
Qigong has proven an effective treatment for inhibiting or destroying leukemia cells in mice and certain other types of human cancer cells. The studies here fall into two broad classes: in vitro and in vivo studies.
Typically, the in-vitro studies involved randomly dividing the ... Views: 3912
The importance of a personal meditation practice cannot be stressed enough if you are to do the work of intuitive listening. Listening requires us to hear not only with our ears but our whole being. It is energy work at its deepest level; only in the stillness can we truly hear what is most ... Views: 1982
Saturday, February 20, 2010
What is Energy Clearing and why do we need it!
Energy Clearing is a way of being. It is a way of using all of our senses to become aware of our surroundings and recognize disturbances that affect our being in a negative way. Energy Clearing is a process of learning ... Views: 1806
We need to increase our energy on a daily basis. By strengthening our internal power, we will give our body and mind the ability to heal and protect us from our chaotic world. Qigong is a simple technique of deep breathing and slow balanced movement that will increase your energy and give you ... Views: 2695
When it comes to healing, science and spiritual belief agree. What you believe and how you view your place in this world impact your health in both positive and negative ways. You have a big role in healing yourself and in supporting your friends or family with serious illness. Here are some ... Views: 1930
Autism Spectrum Alternative Program
ASAP is an equine facilitated sensory integration program for individuals on the autism spectrum or with other physical, mental, emotional or behavior challenges.
ASAP is an equine facilitated sensory integration program for individuals on the autism ... Views: 2541
Well, it's YOGA time for me on this fine evening. I can't procrastinate anymore! It's one of those evenings where I'd rather take a large comforter, a large bowl of Sea Salted Popcorn and snuggle up to my favorite show. BUT, I so need to do some stretching!
Hatha Style Yoga is my favorite and ... Views: 2895
A new science is emerging that is changing our traditional understanding of health and healing. The latest scientific research is focusing on experiments, which are quantifying the effects of energy, light and information on human beings. Leading the way are an international team of ... Views: 2940
Have you ever felt as if you are being pulled in two different directions? For instance, you have a burning desire to create something new and yet all you can see are the dangers, possible pitfalls and mess that will result.
Do you feel like a split personality? Part pacifier, part warrior ... Views: 2077
Big and bright in the sky tonight is the Leo Full Moon, blazing for all to see and feel. The powerful lunar waves are moving into our collective awareness, as we are reminded of the beauty and majesty of our universal rhythms and cycles. So much has occurred since the New Year double eclipses, I ... Views: 1613
Geopathic Stress
Geopathic Stress occurs when the earth's magnetic field is disturbed,
either naturally or artificially and the background field we normally experience is changed.
Geopathic Stress results in negative earth energies having a detrimental effect on us.
EMF ... Views: 5118
Sounds interesting, complicated, spooky, ridiculous, and maybe just plain out there right? Well, yeah but not after you work on a couple of them. I personally have been working for the last 15 years of personal development technique which have included extensive work on the inner child, ... Views: 2099
In the moments when you are asleep and lucid in the mind allow the place of your days accomplishments to fruition from the mind of your creation to come forth from your subconscious that is the executor of your creative projects when you are tuned away from the immediate five senses. When the ... Views: 3022
Dr. Mehmet Oz in his recent show discussed different healing modalities, one of which is Reiki.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is Spiritually Guided energy. Reiki can be defined as a miraculous and sacred energy of the universe. Reiki is the name of the energy that is used by Usui Sensei for the ... Views: 3640
So much has been written about the aura or human energy field and no two descriptions are ever completely the same in various sources and teachings available today. I believe the reason for this is that perceiving these fields is a subjective experience as we all see things from our own unique ... Views: 4533
In Blue Matrix Energetics the practitioner learns to understand and process the variety of the spectrums of ultra violet, x-ray, gamma and the zero point field; the quiet, radiant fields. These frequencies are known in sciences like astronomy but rarely discussed in the realm of energy based ... Views: 3246
We cannot see our energy bodies but it is there and we have to look after it with energy healing, fresh air, good food, meditation and other spiritual practises. If we ignore our energy bodies - we ignore our own well-being.
So the question is - what does ‘energy’ mean to us on a spiritual ... Views: 871
So, what exactly is the energy body and how does it work? There has been a lot written about this phenomena and although it has yet to be fully corroborated by science and the medical world, it is believed in esoteric teachings that it is an integral part of a human’s being-ness and maintaining ... Views: 962
The wisdom of horses in Equine Assisted Life Coaching
The Animal Connection
Holistequine Equine Assisted Life Coaching is not just a new modality for personal growth within the Wellness industry it also offers an exciting new career path for horse owners wanting a change of direction and a ... Views: 1597
2010 – Where are we headed? Just what are we marching to? Who are we associating with?
With all the seeming chaos in our world there is always divine order. The world’s theme is “harmonizing chaos.” Boy, do we need it now! A conscious person will endeavor to create harmony wherever they are ... Views: 1449
Diamond Consciousness in the Age of Aquarius
The Age of Aquarius, once sung by the popular 80’s group, the Fifth Dimension, is now upon us, ringing an inner bell that our own consciousness must answer. All of YOU -Lightworkers, Energy Healers, Starseeds and Indigos - whose task it is to ... Views: 5437
Some Simple Pranic Collection Devices and Possible Experiments Revealing Strange Properties of Prana
While traveling at high speeds either by car, train, speedboat, and plane in addition to the obvious sensation of acceleration and deceleration there is, quite noticeable, some sort of ... Views: 2771
Large bodies of water seem to contain this prana and I feel that it must be, like water, a major and very important "building block" of who we are, otherwise we would not be so pleasantly sensitive to its existence as a source of blessing and nourishment to our souls and as such a powerful and ... Views: 1939
There seems to exist an amazing "something" or mysterious form of energy in nature called "prana" by most yogic traditions and "chi" by certain eastern philosophies. Yogis and mystics have been aware of some rather sublime facts of nature long before western science ever acknowledged such ... Views: 2116
Have you ever felt ,or has anyone ever told you ,that you are “too sensitive”? Perhaps the real problem is that you have not learned to manage your energetic boundaries. Do you feel drained after being in groups of people? Are you a healer that feels exhausted after working on just a few ... Views: 3108
Spirit-based Business through Diamond Energy Activation
Sacred Business, a new paradigm being introduced into the business world, by Diamond Alignment founder, Jacqueline Joy, is business that is consciously fueled, both creatively and functionally, by Divine Energy, Diamond Energy. Diamond ... Views: 1566
Have you ever whacked your thumb really hard with a hammer? Or perhaps stubbed your toe on a heavy chunk of furniture? Annoying isn't it?
How would you like to know a clever little mind hack that can eliminate virtually all the pain in under a minute?
One of the most practical applications ... Views: 2452
Awakening your Divine Potential while Raising Diamond Consciousness on the Planet
Imagine tens of thousands of Lightworkers, Spiritual Healers and Conscious Beings across the globe coming together, in our Hearts and in our Higher Diamond Consciousness, to receive a Divine Diamond Energy ... Views: 2048
What is a Spiritual Suntan?
Well, what is suntan? How do you get one? Why do you get one?
Those lazy summer days at the beach, with the sound of waves crashing on the beach shore, seagulls singing, and golden rays of sunshine hugging your whole body with the warmth of relaxing comfort. ... Views: 1343
What are you?
Ask that question of a thousand people and the vast majority will likely respond with their occupation or job. I am a parent, teacher, lawyer or a whatever-I-do-to-earn-money-and-fill-my-day. Yet this is not who we are. We are not what we do. Think about that for a moment; ... Views: 2374
There are many different ways that you can use ki energy in the martial and healing arts. These range from the practical physical aspects used to control an aggressor, all the way through to the esoteric healing arts.
Ki is the lifeforce and energy of the universe that flows through ... Views: 9269
We are moving into interesting times! We are at the brink of a New Age...an age of hope and re-construction. At the epicenter of this New Age is a heart-warming movement of human empathy and unified vision. We are no longer satisfied with building up our egos and feeding the insatiable beast ... Views: 1004
Did you know that November is National Care-givers month? Unfortunately, most caregivers are unaware of this. Moreover, much too busy and overwhelmed to – STOP, and give themselves the much needed attention they deserve.
When the balance between an individual’s needs and that of another in ... Views: 1551
If you live on the West Coast of the US or Chiang Mai you are probably familiar with Chi Nei Tsang abdominal chi massage. If not, this may be your first contact so to speak with this amazing healing modality. I will attempt to demystify it for you.
Chi Nei Tsang is based in the teachings of ... Views: 3263
Secret of High Energy Living
The term energy crisis is not limited to melting ice caps and carbon footprints; it can show up much closer to home. One of the major issues affecting relationships and health in the 21st century is lack of energy. Personal energy levels seem to be on the decline, ... Views: 2267
Success without Stress
‘I merely took the energy it takes to pout and wrote some blues’
Duke Ellington
How do more energy, more time and a better quality of life sound to you? Attractive! Yes, I thought they might. We live in a fast paced, I need it yesterday world where being busy and ... Views: 2693