Michael Mohoric is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Energy Healing and Energy Medicine". You can find complete information on Michael Mohoric and his products by visiting qigongenergyhealing.com.
The term Zero Point Field was first pointed at the beginning of last century. There were number of quantum physicists looking at the Zero Point Field, and one of them was Albert Einstein. The hypothesis was, if you took the high power of microscope and you look down deep enough - through atoms, ... Views: 1670
Attention healers – Please do not justify your trespass by saying that you come from 'heart'.
Having worked for many years in a variety of ‘healing’ modalities, both as a practitioner and as a teacher I am amazed at the number of ‘healers’ who trespass on the free will of another, and use the ... Views: 1607
Intention, what is intention?
According to the Macquarie Dictionary intent and intention can be describes by the following;
Intention the act of determining mentally upon some action or result; an intending or purposing; firmly or steadfastly fixed or directed upon something.
So the ... Views: 1327
There are many methods to achieving wellness and contentment in life. One of the oldest is based on the chakra system. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning vortex or wheel of light. Egyptian, Chinese, Hindu, Greek and indigenous people of the Americas have spoken of and written of these for ... Views: 3287
Chakra balancing or healing is an ancient method still used today to clarify the Chakras, which are Sanskrit for wheel or discs. Utilizing a series of specific crystals is a great way to perform regular balancing. A Chakra balancing set contains seven crystals which are utilized to help balance ... Views: 1202
Can You sense global events before they happen? Do You tap into the energy of Earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves, floods, tornados, or wildfires before they happen?
I know that I do. Here are some things that I notice:
1. A general feeling that things are off or weird. Feeling like ... Views: 1761
We are all vibrations. Every aspect of the body, mind and spirit has a distinct frequency that can be measured and altered. When the frequencies fall out-of-tune due to stress and tension, it results in disease. Vibrational Healing or Vibrational Medicine is the art and science of consciously ... Views: 1975
Sitting and enjoying a silent meditation opens your mind and your body to the energies surrounding you. On a cool morning, sitting on the pier at the water’s edge, you reflect on the wind gently blowing around you. This causes a series of events – impacting other energies surrounding you, ... Views: 906
My name is Lena and, like many women today, I started thinking about motherhood much later in my life. I met my husband in Costa Rica 12 years ago and it was love at first sight. Shortly after we met, he gave up a great teaching job, sold his house and his car and moved to California to be with ... Views: 1944
"When you act upon something you feel you're called to do
by being in vibrational harmony with it
and by being willing to share it with as many people as possible,
you feel inspired"
~Dr.Wayne Dyer~
When we meet someone and shake their hand..smile and say "It's nice to meet you, we ... Views: 5165
Over the years, people have asked me to teach them how to see energy fields, energy flows, and how to assess the information usefully. The following is a compilation of teachings from many resources that have been synthesized into simple practices.
To begin seeing more than what our ... Views: 1182
Have you been neglecting your Body, Mind or Spirit lately? Is your life so bland it makes rice cakes sound exciting?
If so, it’s time to spice it up a little and start incorporating the ingredients for your best life into the mix so you can turn up the heat on your personal power.
Start by ... Views: 1968
The most important reasons we continue to have ill bodies, ill lives and ill circumstances is due to the illusions we live with day in and day out. When we live with illusions we cannot heal.
There are three main illusions that plague us in our quest to heal our lives, bodies and souls. The ... Views: 1526
We are currently in the middle of eclipse season, with the 2nd solar eclipse coming this Sunday, July 11th in Cancer. This is a time for re-evaluating our Core identity, truth and purpose in life, and making the required adjustments and new alliances with a life path full of conscious choices in ... Views: 3103
One day, at my holistic health center in Hawaii, I had embarked on a mission to produce homeopathic samples of selected electromagnetic frequencies within the sound frequency spectrum (20 to 20,000 Hz). These frequencies are used not only in sound healing, but also in electromagnetic healing, ... Views: 2960
Emotions are the way that our energy selves tell us what is going on energetically. The best way to work with emotions is to think of them as messengers and E-nergy-in-Motion. By noticing them and acknowledging them they then move through. Below are 5 emotions and their energetic messages.
... Views: 2434
Over the course of my lifetime I have had many friends, family and one exhusband whom I had to say goodbye to. Sometimes I was the one being left behind, such as when my sister died. Sometimes I did the leaving such as occurred with my ex. Sometimes we both did the leaving such as with some of ... Views: 4476
The last but extremely important sheath (5 covering layers of a living being) is the Bliss Sheath. When this sheath is uncovered, not only does the living being come very close to God but that it becomes God Him self. The soul is said to be a spark of God. Its ultimate form is Satya, Shiva, ... Views: 3818
Clear Quartz comes in many forms, from natural stones to clusters and points; from very small to very large. It is also available in many polished forms, tumble stones, eggs, balls, polished points and pyramids and sometimes sculpted into beautiful artistic pieces. Many people don’t buy Clear ... Views: 2385
Smudge Sticks
What are they? Why would you use one? How are they made? Whats in them?
Well ... Smudge Sticks are bundled herbs. Usually sage, lavender, rosemary, thyme or any “woody” herb. The bundles can also be infused with essential oils and sometimes resins are used in them as well. ... Views: 3473
Thank you again to all who attended my event on Sunday, June 27, 2010. I am honored to have had this opportunity to assist so many of you shift through a very, very busy week beginning with Summer Solstice and ending with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.
Honestly, I was captivated and amazed by ... Views: 930
Why do we need to cleanse our crystals? There are two reasons; the first one is we need to clean the physical dirt and dust from our new and exciting crystals. New crystals often have dust on them, from sitting in a shop or market stall that needs to be removed. Secondly we also need to clean ... Views: 1060
Summary: This article explains the relationships between various forms of chakra meditation and real healing phenomenon. Readers learn how to work with chakras on a basic level and use this knowledge for unlimited self improvement, personal development and transformation. Readers learn about how ... Views: 2645
Have you noticed a shift going on here on the planet? Have you noticed a shift going on in your own life? Look around. It seems that we are all experiencing a tremendously powerful shift on the planet, one that is affecting everything from the weather to our socioeconomic systems and of course, ... Views: 1614
Each type of illness is associated with a particular way of being. There is a personality type associated with heart disease, there is another associated with cancer, another with nearsightedness, etc. The person’s way of being has had stress associated with it, and that stress has reached the ... Views: 3508
The subject of this article is about reacting to negative emotions. If you are effected by other peoples actions, that indicates that you care about what they think of you, you are not free. Certainly that is normal in our society, but is it normal for the real essence of a human being as ... Views: 4225
Excerpt from the book, The Updgrade: Fulfilling the Promise of Human Potential
by Doug De Vito
Science doesn’t know all the answers. It can only tell about things that can be measured and to date, they still can’t fully measure the totality of our Universe. They don’t have the instruments, ... Views: 1863
The 6 Chakras are also called the 6-fold wealth. In spiritual science it is called Sham (mental control), Dama (sense organ control), Uparati (dispassion), Titiksha (forbearance), Shradha (faith), Samadhan (concentration). Sham means serenity. Meaning destruction of agitation, tension, ... Views: 3426
I’m sure I’ve talked before about how other people can feel our energy. It’s not always what we are saying or the volume or tone of our voice that people react to. It’s more often the energy with which the words are spoken.
Sometimes we needn’t say anything, just enter a room and people know ... Views: 2051
I've been working with women and their bodies and their eating stuff for a looooooong time now- 25 years to be exact. And I've had my own very real ups and downs around the same issues.
Here's what I've found from all of this.
Healing the shame is what changes everything else.
Overall, ... Views: 1487
I commit to removing sugar and flour products from my diet, starting immediately.
There is no doubt in my mind that making changes to my food in this way impacts my life, energy, mood, mental acuity and relationships- not to mention my own wellness and well being, more than any other choice I ... Views: 5472
It's incredibly hard to find a way of being at peace with food. More than anything, the women and teens I talk with want to find a sense of peace, away from the relentless obsessions with food and weight.
Have you had this happen? You find a way of eating, of being with food that feels good ... Views: 1777
Before to enter in alternative medicine and understand, and decide if is the better for everybody or not, if our aura can be some problem and to be cause to ill,we must understand why these problems exist, and understand which are the things to terminate in our life; after we can decide to right ... Views: 2561
I have worked on my grief for 10 years, 10 whole years. That loop of grief would get occasional relief, relief that would sometimes last a few weeks. Some of the edges were smoothed. There was hope that I would be whole again for a bit. I would fall back into that pit of grief every, single time ... Views: 2512
3 Steps To Becoming A Better Therapist
We all want to great therapists. We go to classes, learn the work and then come back and try to put it into practice. Some of it comes easily and some not so much. Why is it easier for some information to integrate into our practice and not so easy for ... Views: 2806
Do you experience feelings of anxiety and can't find a cause? Are you easily overwhelmed by simple tasks? Do you having trouble facing the world? You are not alone! Millions of people are experiencing this as well and there is hope that doesn't require taking drugs with harmful side effects! ... Views: 5610
Are there times when you feel able to manage all your tasks and get everything done, only to feel overwhelmed by everything a few weeks later? Do you have periods of excessive activity, followed by periods of lethargy? Millions of people share these symptoms and the drug companies make billions ... Views: 5735
Do you have symptoms of a low or underactive thyroid? Are you looking to find a root cause, and not just symptom-management? I practice a form of clairvoyant, energetic healing and I may have the answer!
In my work, I clairvoyantly "see" the chakras of my clients and all the events, emotions ... Views: 5567
Are you one of the countless people that have wasted hundreds of dollars trying to find a practitioner that was genuine and could help you with your problems? Have you gone from psychic to psychic without finding any real help? Good news! You can identify genuine psychics and healers quickly and ... Views: 4058
The appearance and size of the chakras, to the clairvoyant, will vary as the size and brightness will depend on how spiritually developed the person, who is being viewed, is on their evolutionary path.
The chakras can be divided into 3-groups simply called - Lower, middle, higher. To ... Views: 1736
Unresolved emotions you have pushed away over time or judged as bad are injurious to your health. Stuffed feelings move deeper into your cells and tissues and become the causes of such things as digestive, elimination, organ function disturbances, and very scary medical diagnoses. Consider ... Views: 2343
I had the most amazing dream last night. I dreamed that I was locating spots in the ocean. I believe these were areas that the earth was sending signals that needed healing energy. I would find the areas then I would call pods of whales. The whales would show up after I got to a location in ... Views: 1939
Can we Create and Meet Change with an Open Heart, a Supportive Mind, Peace, and Clarity?
Yes, especially with our understanding and use of Energy Psychology (for eg. EFT), Energy Medicine and other Practical Stress Management Techniques like the Endorphin Effect Strategies. These tools ... Views: 2175
To heal the energy of your relationship, accept the other person just as they are right now.
Update your databanks. A healthy relationship occurs in the present. If you try to relate to an old memory of a person or a fixed idea of how they should be, you are ignoring who they are right ... Views: 1549
The heart chakra defines our own inner space and our relationship to everything in the world around us. And green is the color of nature, the energy of expansion and space. Green stones and crystals can aid in the creation of balance for our lives so that we can live harmoniously with the world ... Views: 5337
“Quasimir™ or Quasiworld™ – is term of Rachel Madorsky, for the genuine but invisible side of the Universe, which has existed forever and knows neither time nor space. It is the abode of the unconscious human mind and the source of paranormal phenomena. The Quasiworld™ is that unassailable ... Views: 1884
Some time last year I began to receive images and glimpse into the underlying issues coming up during 2010 and how our collective human family would be dealing with an extraordinary karmic backlash as we entered the 2012 astrology. It appeared to be a boomerang ripple affect as shadow ... Views: 3715
Stressed out from the current state of the economy? Reiki can de-stress you quickly and easily!
A Reiki treatment feels like a wonderful, glowing radiance that flows through you and surrounds you. It is hard to maintain a stressful attitude when you feel so good and peaceful about yourself ... Views: 1529
“Nothing is as important as a sense of humor when it comes to aging well. Studies of centenarians have revealed that it’s one of the three most vital coping mechanisms that healthy individuals possess; therefore, it’s crucial to living a long, happy life.” - Loretta LaRoche
There’s so much ... Views: 1023
“Studies show that one of the most accurate predictors of longevity is what a person thinks about their own health,” says Dr. Larry Dossey, MD, author and one of the top experts in mind-body medicine.
Recent research shows that your mind, not your genes, is the primary determining factor in ... Views: 1894