Michael Mohoric is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Energy Healing and Energy Medicine". You can find complete information on Michael Mohoric and his products by visiting qigongenergyhealing.com.
Where to begin? There is so much happening in the world. No one needs reminding of that at this point. It's impossible to avoid, not that you need to, but in terms of your spirit and the management of YOUR energy, it is important to know your limits. Here's what I see: a lot of people are tired, ... Views: 958
E-motions are energy in motion. Unhindered emotions run freely. They run through our bodies like water runs through the mountains, creating new patterns and making new paths. Then at times running with a force so strong that it moves us so deeply within that we become physically unable to ... Views: 1282
The experience of birth is truly one of Remembrance -- of the miracle of creation, of love, of Divine Presence.When looking into the eyes of a newborn, something in us stirs so deeply, perhaps the memory of our own innocence, the recollection of
our original integrity. In that moment, we are ... Views: 2293
The sacral chakra is located in the sex organ of the body. Often this energy center is in different places depending on the person. Men’s sacral chakra is often lower, residing in the testicles. While women will most often experience their sacral energy center higher in the uterus. The ... Views: 1990
The Universal Healing Energies is the energy that flows, from what I call G-d, you may have a different name. It is accepted by most as that of the Life Force Energy of the universe, part of which resides in every living thing. It is, therefore, important that when giving healing you are ... Views: 1811
Everywhere we look we see the color green. From the color of nature to the color of the paper that we earn for our hard work. Colors are believed to influence the way we feel and even our actions. Take yellow for an example. Yellow is a happy color. Yellow represents joy, friendship and wisdom. ... Views: 1375
Did you ever a meet a person who is engaged and actively living his or her soul purpose? Such a person radiates calmness, grounded energy and a natural joy about life even when difficult circumstances arise.
How can you cultivate and root your spiritual self such that you also manifest this ... Views: 1945
The Animal Kingdom
This morning at the end of my meditation I was asked to share the following:
2 of my favorite books are: Animal Speak and Animal Wise by Ted Andrews. Over the last few years I have enjoyed so many meetings with the birds and land animals. We forget to stop to listen to ... Views: 1253
We may not be aware of the firestorm of activity going on outside of our limited perception, but our Chakras work tirelessly to absorb and transmute these waves of unseen light into the force that supports and creates the environment that makes up our life on this planet. With such a barrage of ... Views: 2413
Our physical body is only as radiant as the invisible life force energy that is flowing through it. When we feel out of balance, low, hurt, negated or ill, we can be sure that an imbalance exists somewhere in our energy field. A negative interaction with a coworker doesn’t just put us in a bad ... Views: 2016
Jasmin Starrchild, a medicine woman and creator of the Red Moon Medicine Movement
‘She’ has always felt as if they had crossed paths in another dimension or centuries ago...Whatever the case may be, they happened to intersect one and another on a summer’s day in Robert’s Creek.
It was not ... Views: 1516
In over 15 years of experience working in the mental health field I have found that all people, regardless of their background or current problems, are looking for well being and happiness. This is the underlying motivation for absolutely everything that an individual does regardless of the ... Views: 1400
Sometimes energy healing works where nothing else will. Furthermore, sometimes a modality that works for one person won’t work for the next. I am reminded of this fact every day when I work with people. It keeps me grounded and curious about the mysteries of each person’s ... Views: 1049
Those who do not have the power over the story that dominates their lives, power to retell it, rethink it, deconstruct it, joke about it, and change it as times change, truly are powerless, because they cannot think new thoughts. Salman Rushdie
Everyone has multiple talents and everyone can ... Views: 1598
Energy flows in and out of everything. It’s not just something that comes through the electric power lines. It’s in the air, the water, the earth and in US. Everything IS energy AND energy flows through everything. We do create some of our own...but more flows through us than we could ever ... Views: 3338
Healing is healing; the chief objective in healing situation is that the person, animal, place or object (think Planet Earth, oceans, volcanoes, nuclear reactors) receives what it is that they need from the universe. The example I will be using is the current situation in Japan. The news and ... Views: 1903
Notes to Myself
The energy of change is upon us. So much has occurred in recent times yet in many ways things look very much the same. It’s as if we are looking through the corner of our eyes where we can see what is to come as snapshots or glimpses into the future and from the past. Yet we ... Views: 996
"In order to witness thoughts,
you have to allow the thinking,
you have to become
completely passive.
It is like leaving all of
the doors wide open
so the wind can flow through.
You do not try and
define the wind, understand the wind
or analyze the wind.
You do not get ... Views: 1615
Within my coaching practice I embrace the energy of my clients, support them to release the energy that's not in their best interest, and balance their energy so they're in a position to positively move forward in their life’s journey. But what does this really mean? It sounds great, but how do ... Views: 1182
Maintaining the integrity of the electromagnetic (EM) fields that are generated by the human heart and brain is an important key to maintaining a healthy body and happy heart. Electromagnetic field dysfunction (EMFD) increases your vulnerability to psychic invasions and environmental situations ... Views: 2341
Well it has been one hell of a week of changing, shifting tides on the world stage, as the old system of power surrenders to the growing call for establishing a new world order. The voice of freedom, equality and universal justice is sounding loud and clear around the world, and cannot be ... Views: 1961
I was a child of the 60's when I first learned about the dawning of the Age of Aquarius...I would listen to the lyrics of the songs from Hair all the time.
"When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars" ... Views: 2133
Who are you? Of course, you are Spirit - eternal, infinite, and universal. When Spirit enters a body, the energy becomes denser as it binds itself to earth plane. The Energy of Spirit appears as streams of consciousness. The ancients called them ETHER, AIR, FIRE, WATER, and EARTH. One or more ... Views: 5111
Modern technology and a variety of subtle energies in the environmental can cause insomnia, or the experience of sleeping the full night through, but feeling like you have not slept at all upon waking. An increase in morning aches and pains is another common symptom of invisible, energetic ... Views: 4098
Chakras are a buzz word these days. But what are they really? There's a simple way to find out.
In Sanskrit, chakra means "wheel." According to Indian metaphysical teachings we have dozens of these spinning centers of vital energy within and around us, each with a specific function. Chakras ... Views: 4244
Below you will find 3 different ways to give your Energy a daily Tune Up. Sound creates vibrations in the body that balance at the cellular level. Color frequencies harmonize and integrate mind and body. Viewing the body/mind as composed of 5 Elements found in nature allows you to decide what is ... Views: 1748
Practice any of the following techniques to give yourself a quick energy boost and balance during the day. Below you will find 4 one-minute techniques, a slightly longer 5 minute technique, and a 10 minute daily practice. Read and then DO the techniques. They will make a positive difference in ... Views: 1764
My relationship with Reiki started long before I even knew the word "Reiki". My first "teacher" was my beloved cocker spaniel named Prince. I was convinced he could read my mind which I later learned he was actually reading my energy. Prince was my constant companion, my playmate, my friend, as ... Views: 946
Reiki can be an extremely therapeutic complementary treatment for animals. Its gentle, non-invasive energy can be used in almost any situation, whether the animal is wild or domestic, injured or healthy. Reiki energy will always go where it’s most needed, and cannot do any harm.
Reiki ... Views: 1533
What is Reiki Healing?
“Reiki...being a Universal force from the Great Divine Spirit, it belongs to all who seek and desire to learn the art of healing" Hawayo Takata
Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) Healing is an ancient Japanese hands-on healing art. It is a method of healing that is ... Views: 1092
Traditional Medical Practitioners (TMP) are now encouraging people to eat less animal flesh for many different and equally valid reasons. Most of the reasons relate to the fat content or the method of cooking. I have yet to hear TMP’s discuss the reasons I do not eat animal flesh especially ... Views: 912
One of the questions I get asked the most is..............................How do I find and choose a reputable Teacher to learn Reiki with ?
Learning Reiki and participating in Reiki Attunements is a very personal and empowering thing to do in Your life. A Teachers task is to instil in the ... Views: 1316
Definitions from the Merriam Webster dictionary:
Congruence – being in agreement with (AKA does this “ring true”?);
Resonance – a. the quality or state of being resonant; b. richness or significance, especially in evoking an association or strong emotion.
How do these terms apply to ... Views: 2809
I’ve been using my psychic abilities to heal for so long that it’s almost second nature to me. As a child I learned how my mental state affected my health. I discovered I could make myself sick to my advantage to stay home from school or make myself better to do fun activities.
As an adult ... Views: 1630
Reiki can best be described as a channelled energy. Once we have been attuned to its flow we can then call down the energy and channel it with our intent.
When you receive a Reiki attunement your energy channels are opened to enable you to pass a higher amount of energy through your energy ... Views: 943
Majority of world humanity accept things, events etc only if they can be perceived by the 5 gross senses (ear, eye, nose, tongue, skin). Hence when they undergo miraculous incidences as mentioned previously they realize unfailingly that there exist those experiences which are beyond the limited ... Views: 1426
Question: I have a question about solving the problems by just imaging them dissolved. Could you elaborate on that? I am fascinated by that. I really like the idea.
Divine Mother: I want you to know that problems are energy that is no longer serving you. It has become a problem. If an ... Views: 1306
I find that the lessons my guides like to share with me are often brought to my attention in my normal waking life. Recently, I noticed that not only is the media reporting on the events they usually cover, such as natural disasters and political upheavals, but they are also covering the ... Views: 1021
We all express the 28 primary frequencies of energy, which dictate the human experience. These 28 cardinal frequencies include, 7 primary chakras, 7 Yin and 7 yang meridians, and 7 auric fields. They are present even though we do not see nor understand them. At their origin these frequencies ... Views: 5178
By Heather Fanjoy, B.S., ATP®
“Blessed Children of Earth, welcome to the dawn of your New Age! It is now the time of Action with Compassion. Let us pray for your Beloved Mother Earth to assist her in her transformations. Let us all join as ONE to heal Mother Earth and all of her life forms. ... Views: 1221
Life these days is very demanding and stressful. If you are like most people, you are working hard to survive and still you feel unhappy, like you don't have enough time to get everything done, thus your life becomes stressful. Stress makes you tired and causes frustration and unhappiness. It ... Views: 822
As someone that has provided healing support and readings to empaths for several years, I've discovered that not all empaths are alike. The way empaths process their empathic responses are different, and what they need to do to remain balanced mentally, physically and emotionally also vary. ... Views: 7258
Why did "The Secret" resonate with so many people?
It's because the movie taught us about the Law of Attraction! Think of the Law of Attraction as "The Golden Rule Boomerang": You get what you give! You give what you get! It has the ability to create a positive cycle in our lives.
How ... Views: 1883
Listening to Your Own GPS
Leena Rose Miller
What is intuition? How do you perceive and receive information? How you “see?”
Intuition, according to Webster, is: “a direct perception of truth or fact, independent of any reasoning process, or immediate apprehension; a keen and quick ... Views: 1309
At the 2011 Heaven & Earth workshop in Israel, the old issue of anger came up. In facing the external world, anger means it is time to put a border. It is an instinct and an energy, neither good nor bad. To accept responsibility for our anger - to begin to be able to contain it - is to move into ... Views: 1431
I have been in this world now for 38 years.
For a long time I felt dead inside!!
Two years ago, January, I came back to Life!!
What I have learned and discovered on this journey.
The first thing that I have learned is that everything is made out of energy. I guess that I ... Views: 795
A recent health scare in the life of someone very close to me has me reexamining a topic that I’ve written on many times in the past fifteen years. I felt compelled to address the subject today and remind us all of the immense power that our emotions ... Views: 2115
Are you ready to experience radiant health, balance, and joy that flows from the inside-out and allows for a daily sense of contentment and inner peace?
From my own personal experience, I know for certain that we must be willing to broaden our ... Views: 1550
In my last article, (Secrets of Taming Your Inner Caveman) I pointed out how normal everyday annoyances are being interpreted by your nervous system (which is intimately linked to your energy system) as crises or life-and-death dangers. These annoyances can include a wide range of events like ... Views: 2691
Discovered in Russia in 1940 in the Murun mountains in Yakutia, to date, this the only known location for this rare mineral. The name Chariot is derived from the Chary River which is near where it was found.
Purple, solid. Newly coming into greater use. Works with Indigo & violet Charka to ... Views: 2726